List of 12-letter words containing •• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a fourth letter
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There are 114 twelve-letter words containing J, U and Yadjudicatory adjunctively adjunctivity bounty␣jumper bubbley-jocks bundles␣of␣joy bungy␣jumpers bungy␣jumping coconut␣jelly cryoinjuries cyberjournal cyberjunkies cyberjustice desubjectify Djibouti␣City dummy␣subject dysconjugate dysjunctions Eurasian␣jays Fourth␣of␣July Guguyimidjir hippy␣jumping huantajayite hyperjealous hypural␣joint injunctively injured␣party January␣terms Japanesquely Japanesquery Jasper␣County jejeunostomy jejunoplasty jelly␣blubber jelly-coconut jelly␣coconut jeopardously Jerome␣County jerry-builder jerrymunglum Jersey␣County Jesuitically Jesuitocracy Jesus␣of␣Mercy Jewell␣County Jõgeva␣County Johnny␣Canuck johnny␣houses Johnny-jump-up joint␣custody journeycakes journeywoman journeywomen joyfulnesses joyousnesses Judeo-Masonry judgement␣day judgmentally judgment␣days Judica␣Sunday judicial␣days juice␣monkeys July␣Monarchy Jumaytepeque jumped␣for␣joy junctionally Junction␣City Juneau␣County jungle␣nymphs juniper␣berry junkyard-dogs junkyard␣dogs juristically juristocracy Jurupa␣Valley justifyingly juxtapyloric lovely␣jubbly majority␣rule microjourney misjudgingly mumbo-jumbery Navajo␣County neoadjuvancy nonconjugacy outjockeying outjourneyed overjoyfully perjuriously plough␣jockey prejudicedly Punch␣and␣Judy rejoicefully rejustifying rubber␣johnny ruby␣jubilees sejunctively sojourneying subjectively subjectivity surjectively surjectivity thingummyjig traverse␣jury type␣juggling unadjustably unenjoyingly unjoyfulness unjoyousness unjudicially unjustifying what's␣your␣job you␣just␣had␣to yuanjiangite
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 16 words
- French Wiktionary: 49 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 4 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 33 words
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