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There are 330 thirteen-letter words containing K, 2L and T(page 2) Mull␣of␣Kintyre multikilobase multikilogram multikilowatt multiskilling multislacking multitaskable natural␣killer neuroskeletal nickelalumite nickel-plating nightclublike nihilartikels no-kill␣shelter nonalkylating nonbasketball nonfolklorist oculoskeletal Old␣Kilpatrick one-hit␣killing one␣little␣duck osteoskeletal out␣like␣a␣light Patchewollock paulkellerite peralkalinity picket␣bullets Planck␣lengths Planck␣voltage planktocyclin planktologist planktonology platinum␣black pocket-calling pocket␣calling poikiloblasts political␣risk polka-dot␣plant pollen␣baskets polyalkenoate protoalkaloid puffball␣skirt realpolitikal realpolitiker rollerskaters rollerskating roller␣skating rolling␣stocks roll␣the␣trucks saddle␣blanket sallow␣kittens Sally-Anne␣task sculpturelike sealskin␣cloth seller's␣market settler's␣clock shkatulkalite shock-stalling shock␣stalling silk␣elevators simonkolleite skeletalizing skeletodental skillet␣breads ski␣patrollers skittle␣alleys skull-thatcher slap␣and␣tickle sleep␣like␣a␣top sliding␣tackle South␣Lakeland spectaclelike splinter␣skill stalklessness still␣as␣a␣stock stockdollager strike␣tallies struck␣tallies swell␣the␣ranks tackle␣for␣loss tailor's␣chalks tailors'␣chalks Talkhab-e␣Kalat talkie-walkies talk␣in␣circles talking␣clocks talk␣like␣a␣book talk␣to␣oneself tall-case␣clock tallywhackers tarantulalike telephonelike that's␣all,␣folks the␣full␣ticket thelytokously think␣little␣of thin␣skull␣rule thioalkaloids thresholdlike thrill-killers thrill␣killers thrill␣killing thrillseekers thrill-seekers thrill␣seekers thrillseeking tidally␣locked toadstoollike Tompkinsville tracking␣polls Treknological triple-clicked turbinella␣oak twelve␣o'clocks ultraplankton unblacklisted unkillability unlikeability unlinkability unlockability unskeptically vegetablelike vigilantelike Wakulla␣County walkabilities walked␣the␣line walkie-talkies walkie␣talkies walk-in␣closets walks␣the␣plank Winkler␣bottle winner-take-all winner␣take␣all winterkilling yellowjackets yellow-jackets yellow␣jackets yellow␣pockets yellow␣streaks yellow␣tickets yellow␣tussock you␣should␣talk Pages: 1 2
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 18 words
- French Wiktionary: 105 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 855 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 317 words
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