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There are 129 twelve-letter words containing K, 2L, P and Salkaliphiles alkalophiles alkylphenols alkylpurines ankle␣slapper applauselike backspelling back-spelling biblioklepts black␣poplars blacksplains bollocksed␣up bollockses␣up bulk␣supplies bullspeaking bull-speaking Bush␣Hill␣Park chalk␣players clasp␣lockers disciplelike feldsparlike glockenspiel helplessdesk Hopkinsville hyposkeletal Islampolitik Keller␣graphs keloplasties kenpaullones Kepler␣solids killing␣spree Klamath␣plums kleptoplasts kleptoplasty klismaphiles klismaphilia knopper␣galls knur␣and␣spell Kupffer␣cells Lake␣Pleasant leucoplakias leukoplakias leukoplasias leukoplastid liberalspeak lickety-split lick␣one's␣lips lick-platters lickspittled lickspittles lick-spittles Limpley␣Stoke lipstickless lock␣hospital lookup␣tables multispeckle nickel-plates palatal␣hooks Pallas'␣kitten pallet␣trucks parallel␣keys Parks␣College Patrickswell penalty␣kills people␣skills periskeletal pickle␣plants pillar␣blocks pillow␣blocks placket␣holes plakoglobins plakophilins Planck␣relics planeswalker plattenkalks plenary␣talks Plimsoll␣mark poikiloblast pokes␣mullock pollakiurias pollen␣basket Pollock␣Pines pretzel␣links prickle␣cells pseudoskills pseudo-skulls pulley␣blocks pulls␣a␣sickie pull␣up␣stakes pulsar␣clocks punkabillies realpolitiks Republiklans RepubliKlans rolltop␣desks roll-top␣desks sally-pickers ski␣patroller sleeptalkers sleeptalking sleep␣talking sleepwalkers sleepwalking small␣skipper spawnkilling spawn-killing spawn␣killing spellchecked spell-checked spell␣checked spellchecker spell-checker spell␣checker splinterlike spree␣killers stallkeepers superalkalis superskilled temple␣blocks triple-clicks trolley␣parks Turk's␣cap␣lily Tyndall's␣Park ugly␣milk-caps ungospellike Volkspolizei walking␣palms walking␣poles walk␣policies
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 12 words
- French Wiktionary: 10 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 126 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 91 words
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