List of 12-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 101 twelve-letter words containing K, P and 3Sas␣she␣is␣spoke back␣passages backsplashes brake␣presses business␣park Cossack␣posts cropsickness cypress␣knees dicksplashes dope␣sickness epispasticks Essex␣skipper Fleiss'␣kappas grass-skipper gypsy's␣kisses helplessdesk iris-skippers kinsmanships Klanspersons Koplik's␣spots kriegsspiels lipstickless markspersons misspeakings passageworks pass␣the␣pikes peakednesses peaklessness Pick's␣disease picksomeness piss␣drinkers Planck␣masses pokerishness prankishness pranksteress press␣junkets pressworkers prickishness pseudokarsts pseudoskills pseudo-skulls pussyfuckers pussylickers sand-skippers semispeakers Shakespeares Shakspearism Shaksperisms sheltopusiks shopkeepress shopska␣salad sinking␣ships Sitka␣spruces skaapstekers ski-jump␣noses ski-ramp␣noses ski-slope␣nose ski␣slope␣nose slapstickers slapstickish slash␣pockets slipped␣disks sneck␣possets Snickers␣pies spankermasts spanker-masts span␣shackles sparkishness spark␣spreads speaker␣bases speakeresses speakerships speakingness speckledness speedskaters spikegrasses splash␣sticks spoken␣pauses spokesbeings spokesdroids spokesladies spokesmodels spokesperson spookinesses spookmasters sports␣drinks sprocketless spruce␣siskin stickpushers stick␣pushers stockpersons stock␣phrases streak␣of␣piss Super␣Soakers superstrikes supertaskers support␣socks sweepstakers systempunkts Szczepanskis takes␣the␣piss
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 16 words
- French Wiktionary: 34 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 93 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 42 words
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