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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing 3L, X and Yalkoxyalkyl bolloxology colloxyline delexically excellently extollingly fluxionally hexagalloyl polyaxially vexillology xylological 11 definitions found- alkoxyalkyl — n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) Any alkoxy derivative…
- bolloxology — n. (Ireland, slang) nonsense; rubbish.
- colloxyline — n. A form of nitrocellulose used in the manufacture of collodion.
- delexically — adv. In a delexical manner.
- excellently — adv. In a manner that demonstrates excellence; very well.
- extollingly — adv. So as to extol; with praise.
- fluxionally — adv. In a fluxional manner.
- hexagalloyl — n. (Organic chemistry, in combination) Six galloyl groups in a compound.
- polyaxially — adv. Using multiple axes.
- vexillology — n. The study of flags.
- xylological — adj. Relating to xylology.
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