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There are 83 twelve-letter words containing L, S, T, X and Yacetylxylans alexithymics alkoxyethyls autosexually carboxylates cissexuality cytophylaxis desert␣lynxes doxastically ecosexuality excisability excrescently excusability exhaustingly exhaustively existability expositorily extraneously extrasystole extremolytes flexistylous hematoxylins hemotoxylins heteroxylans heteroxylous hexadactyles hexahistidyl hexatrienyls hexosylation hexylthiofos hydroxylates lexicosyntax lymphotoxins mesityl␣oxide metaphylaxis methoxylates mycotextiles myorelaxants myxothiazols neosexuality nitroxylenes nonsexuality orthoxylenes oxatricycles oxysulphates oxysulphuret pansexuality penalty␣boxes phyllotaxies phytoalexins polydextrose preaxostylar preaxostylid presexuality Saxony-Anhalt sextennially somatophylax subtextually sulfoxylates sulphoxylate toxochelyids transaxially trisexuality undextrously unisexuality xantholysins xanthophylls xanthoxylons xenocrystals xylodextrins xylographist xyloheptaose xylopentaose xylopentoses xylophonists xylorimbists xylostromata xylosylating xylosylation xylotetraose xylotetroses zanthoxylums zoosexuality
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 20 words
- French Wiktionary: 39 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 5 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 6 words
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