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There are 61 fourteen-letter words containing 2L, 2N, 2S and Tallantogenesis allylstannanes analyticalness annuloplasties antlerlessness banana␣shallots constellations controlledness disenrollments ensorcellments fills␣one's␣pants final␣solutions forellensteins fountain␣shells Hellenisations ill-naturedness inflectionless isotensionally lamentableness lantern␣sleeves Larry␣Stylinson lengthlessness lingual␣tonsils longest-lasting millennialists nanosatellites neglectfulness nonfolklorists nonillustrious nonlegislators nonsyllogistic null␣persistent on␣one's␣last␣legs Pallas's␣bunting pulling␣strings quarnell␣stones reinstallments relationalness relentlessness saline␣solution Sally-Anne␣tasks Sally-Anne␣tests Schwellenangst scintillations scintillescent silicon␣planets slatternliness small␣intestine somnolescently stellar␣engines Stillson␣wrench stilpnomelanes sulfenylations sulfonylations talentlessness thistle␣funnels unilateralness unmeltableness unrelentlessly unslothfulness Venetian␣swells
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