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There are 189 ten-letter words containing M, 2O, S, T and Yactomyosin amyotonias angiostomy antisodomy antonomasy antonymous antrostomy aptonymous astocytoma autonomasy autonymous autosodomy bistronomy blastotomy booty␣bumps Bottomleys boycottism bullostomy caecostomy callostomy Chrysostom coat␣moneys comatosely comatosity compositry contronyms cosmolatry cosmometry costectomy cryotomist cyclostome cymothoids cystosomes cystostome cystostomy cystotomes cytostomal cytostomes dictyosome dynamotors episiotomy fasciotomy femtoscopy foremostly gastronomy gastrotomy glossotomy glottonyms gymnodonts gymnostoms gym␣scooter homeostasy homeotypes homoblasty homolysate homoplasty homostyled hyposmotic hypostomal hypostomes imporosity isostemony kosmotropy macrostomy Mayologist meatoscopy mesocotyls mesotrophy metonymous metroscopy microstory molly␣bolts money␣shots moneyworts monkeypots monkey␣pots monocotyls monocystic monocystid monogynist monosomaty monotypous montuosity Monty␣coats mosquitoey motocycles mycetomous mycobionts mycologist mycosterol mycotoxins mycotrophs myocoptids myodystony myologists myosotises myotropins myrologist mysterioso mythopoets myxomatous myzostomes myzostomid normocytes ombrotypes oomycetous osmolality osmolarity osmotrophy osmylation osteectomy osteomancy osteometry otomycoses otomycosis physostome phytosomal plasmotomy politonyms Polymestor polysomaty polystomes polytomies polytomous postembryo posthetomy postmemory postmodify potamonyms protomyths pyelostomy root␣system Rostomyans sclerotomy scotometry sematology Semitology septostomy Short␣money sinusotomy snowstormy sociometry soft␣moneys somatocyst somatogamy somatology somatotopy somatotype somniatory somnolytic somnopathy splenotomy stereotomy sternotomy stomoxyine stone␣money story-poems strabotomy stratonomy stylosomes styrofoams styrofoamy tally␣rooms Timmy␣Ho-Ho's timorously toilsomely topomyosin toponymics toponymies toponymist tosylimido trionymous tropomysin Tymoshenko typonymous tyrotoxism unsmoothly vasomotory venomosity vomitously xylostroma xylotomist xylotomous yoctograms yondermost Yoshimotos Youngstrom zymologist zymosterol
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