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There are 85 twelve-letter words containing 2M, N, S and 2Tammonitrates anathematism anticommutes antisemitism anti-semitism anti-Semitism antisymmetry art␣movements automatonism bicommutants bottomoniums comfortments commentators Commentators commit␣points commutations compartments complotments comportments consummatest consummateth ectatommines entomotomist imitationism immanentists immunostates immunostatus implantments intersymptom maintopmasts malmignattes Manhattanism martinetisms mat␣amaranths metacomments metaemotions metagnathism metakinetism metamictness metamudstone metasediment metasemantic meteotsunami mince␣matters minimal␣state misallotment misimitating misimitation mismatchment misstatement mistreatment moist␣moments monoglottism monometalist Montmartrois multisegment mutatis␣mundi muttrimonies nemastomatid numismatists pantomimists postmovement sbottomonium Septimontium steamboatman steamboatmen stem␣mutation Storstrømmen Summit␣County summit␣tunnel symmetrodont temperaments termagantism timestamping time-stamping timestomping Timmy␣Horton's tomistomines trematomines tremblements trimmigrants tumbling␣mats tummy␣buttons tympanostomy ustipsamment
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