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There are 46 fifteen-letter words containing 2M, 3N and 2Ocommon-and-garden common␣dandelion common␣kingsnake companion␣animal containment␣boom immunodominance immunodominancy immunoendocrine immunonutrition intercommunions macrophenomenon making␣mention␣of Megleno-Romanian Menominee␣County microphenomenon monoaminylation monobrominating monobromination monodimensional month␣in,␣month␣out monumental␣mason moving␣mountains nanocompartment nanoimmunoassay nomination␣games noncommencement noncommissioned non-commissioned noncommunicable non-communicable noncommunicants non␣compos␣mentis noncompromising nonconsummation nonimprovements noninflammatory nonmelanomatous nonseminomatous omnidimensional remonumentation second-in-command second␣in␣command tenancy␣in␣common tenants␣in␣common uncommunication woman␣among␣women
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