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There are 71 words containing M, P, R, 2S, V and Ycompressively conclusively␣presumed crypto-revisionism every␣man␣has␣his␣price hypercompetitiveness hyperconservatism hyperemeses␣gravidarum hyperemesis␣gravidarum hypermassive hypermassiveness hypermassivenesses hypermucoviscosity hypermucoviscous hyperpermissive hypervitaminoses hypervitaminosis immunosuppressively impermissively impressively impressivity improgressively lymphocryptoviruses lymphosuppressive massively␣parallel mechanoresponsivity microviscoamylographs microwave␣spectroscopy misapprehensively misery␣loves␣company most␣valuable␣players mycoalphaviruses myelosuppressive myelosuppressives nonpermissivity Ordnance␣Survey␣maps oversimplistically paramyxoviruses payment␣services Pennsylvania␣Germans permissively permissivity Plummer-Vinson␣syndrome polyomaviruses positive␣polarity␣items poverty␣is␣a␣mindset poverty␣is␣a␣state␣of␣mind poverty␣of␣the␣stimulus prostatovesiculectomy prymnesiovirus prymnesioviruses psychic␣vampires psychogalvanometers reproductive␣system severance␣payments silvery␣pomfrets superheavy␣elements supermassively supertransmissivity Swiss␣Army␣penknives sympathetic␣vibrations sympathy␣verdicts thermoresponsivity topsyturvydoms unimpressively vampireyness Vermorel␣sprayers very␣important␣persons vestrymanship viscoamylographs wukipolyomaviruses Yugoslav␣People's␣Army
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 6 words
- French Wiktionary: 32 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 4 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 8 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 11 words
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