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There are 168 ten-letter words containing 2N, S, T and Vanovulants antevasins antinovels anti-novels antivenins antivenoms Antonovkas aventurins Avicennist Benvenutis Bevingtons Bond␣events bon-vivants bon␣vivants Canvastown conservant conversant convincest convulsant covenaunts Covingtons DeVincents disinvents Dunnavants envenomest environest environuts evanescent evanitions evennights even-steven even␣steven gen.␣et␣sp.␣nov. heaven-sent hivernants incentives innervates innovators inservient insolvents intensives interveins intervenes intervents Inthavongs invariants invections inventions inventious inventours inventress invertings investient investings investment involtinis involtinos Lavingtons Levantines Levant␣nuts Levenstein Levingston Livingston Lovingston manservant Montalvans nativehens nativeness native␣sons nativising navaratnas nervations Ninevitish nonfestive nonharvest nonmovants nonnatives non-natives nonservant nonsolvent nonstarved nonstative nonvarsity nonvectors nonvesting nonvictims nonvirtues nonvisited nonvisitor Nova␣Sintra obventions one-seventh one␣seventh outinvents Ovenstones Ravennates Ravenstine ravenstone sativanone servanting sevennight seven-night seventeens seventy-one Skevington stavnsbånd Steavenson Stevensian Stevensons Stevenston stevvoning Stonehaven subventing subvention Sutton␣Veny Svanetians tavernings TV␣channels unconverts unconvicts uninvested uninvitees unisolvent univalents unstriving unvarnisht Ustinovian vacantness Vainshtien valentines Valentines Valentine's Valentinis Valentinos Valentinus Vanalstine Vanalstyne vanishment Vannatters Vanpattens Van␣Puttens Vanuatuans Vanzantens Vartanians vasodentin Vectensian Veientines veinations veinstones Velestinon venationes venditions venenosity venestatin vengements Venkatesan ventousing vent␣sexing venturings Venturinis vernations Vestinians Vicentines vinblastin vingtaines vintagings vintneress vintneries
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