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There are 73 fifteen-letter words containing N, P, S, U and WBophuthatswanan Bowman's␣capsules churchwomanship common␣brown␣cups counterpassword counter-password counter␣password crown␣prosecutor Crown␣prosecutor curlew␣sandpiper double-line␣whips fourpennyworths funnel-web␣spider juvenile␣powders mountain␣pawpaws multi-ownerships Muppet␣News␣Flash newspaper␣rounds New␣Zealand␣scaup one-up-womanships ownership␣equity platinum␣showers power␣excursions Poweshiek␣County pressurewashing pressure-washing pressure␣washing pseudo-borrowing public␣ownership pull␣a␣few␣strings pulls␣down␣a␣notch pulls␣one's␣weight purchasing␣power purple␣swamphens put␣one's␣foot␣down queen's␣rook's␣pawn scouring␣powders slow␣on␣the␣uptake snowy␣mespiluses southern␣lapwing spring␣quillwort spur-winged␣geese spur-winged␣goose spurwing␣plovers superb␣fairywren superknowledges superwavelength swapportunities Swedish␣Lapphund swertiapuniside total␣return␣swap Underwood's␣septa unfellowshiping unfellowshipped upperclasswoman upperclasswomen upside-down␣cakes upside-down␣fires Waitaha␣penguins Wall-Sun-Sun␣prime washing-up␣liquid Western␣European western␣pleasure Weston-super-Mare what's␣your␣poison whoopee␣cushions whoopie␣cushions wind-up␣merchants Winnipeg␣couches working␣pressure wraparound␣hosts wuttagoonaspids Zuppinger␣wheels
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 9 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 73 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 41 words
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