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There are 118 thirteen-letter words containing N, O, R, S, V and Yadventurously beast␣of␣venery belt␣conveyors carnivorously clairvoyances clairvoyantes congressively contrastively contrastivity controversary conversionary conveyer␣belts conveyor␣belts conveyorising convulsionary cosovereignty Crépy-en-Valois cryoconserved cryosensitive cryosurviving cryovolcanism cryovolcanoes cyanomyovirus cyberinvasion dystrobrevins extrasynovial forty-sevenths genodiversity glycovariants granary␣loaves having␣eyes␣for hyperconserve hyperdivision hypervolcanos inobservantly inobtrusively intrasynovial intravenously inventoryless investigatory Ivory␣Coastian junior␣varsity Kefalovrysion Kropyvnytskyi landsurveyors land␣surveyors living␣history mesocarnivory mesoventrally monthaversary monthiversary myxovirescins nervous␣system nitrosylative nonreversibly nonuniversity Novoyavorivsk ovarian␣cycles overanalysing overanxiously overearnestly overintensely overintensity overnervously oversolemnity oversparingly oversupplying oversynthesis perisynovitis peroxyflavins phycodnavirus privy␣councils provisionally reconveyances Salvation␣Army sandy␣laverock Screven␣County semivoluntary seventy-fourth Shrove␣Sundays silvery␣gibbon subventionary subversionary sue␣one's␣livery sylviornithid synaptobrevin technoslavery televisionary terms␣of␣venery topsy-turvying transvenously unfrivolously unobservantly unobservingly unobtrusively unpurposively unvicariously unvoyeuristic vaingloryings valleytronics vanadoribosyl Vandyke␣browns vapour␣density velopharynges ventrobasally venturesomely vertiginously vestrypersons victory␣points Vineyard␣Sound vinylpyrroles viscoanalyzer Vitry-en-Artois voluntaryisms voluntaryists vomeronasally xenodiversity yeoman␣service
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 28 words
- French Wiktionary: 136 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 6 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 2 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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