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There are 84 fourteen-letter words containing N, O, S, T, Y and Zacetylizations anonymizations arsenogoyazite azinphosmethyl azinphos-methyl azithromycines benzoxylations biosynthesized biosynthesizer biosynthesizes cyanobenzoates cybridizations Cyrillizations cytauxzoonoses cytauxzoonosis debenzylations decyclizations demythizations enhypostatized enhypostatizes eyes␣on␣the␣prize frozen␣yoghurts gastromyzontid Gonzales␣County histoenzymatic hyalinizations hybridizations hydrazinations hydrolyzations hyphenizations hypnotizations hyposensitized hyposensitizes hysterizations kryzhanovskite leucocytozoans lysogenization martyrizations mesomycetozoan metalloenzymes methanolysized methylbenzoyls myelinizations mythicizations neosynthesized nonschizotypal nonsymmetrized nonsympathizer nonsynthesized oversynthesize petromyzontids pinyinizations Pinyinizations polysensitized proselytizings recyclizations rhythmizations Russo-Byzantine schizoanalysts schizoanalytic sycophantizing syllabizations symbolizations symmetrization symptomatizing syncretization synonymization synovectomized synthesization synthetization syphilizations systemizations thiohydrazones Tietze␣syndrome tosylazetidine tosylaziridine transzygomatic trypsinization trypsynization tungstoenzymes unhypothesized unproselytized zygnemataceous zygomatic␣bones
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 25 words
- French Wiktionary: 72 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 19 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 1 word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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