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There are 97 twelve-letter words containing N, O, R, 2T and 2Uabout-turning about␣turning antistrumous antitumoural Arthur␣County automounters bounty␣hunter Burnet␣County Butler␣County button␣scurvy Citrus␣County constructure contributour countershout counterstudy countersuits countertruth counterturns county␣courts Custer␣County doughnuttery ethnoculture fructuations fructuronate frustulation futurization groundtruths ground␣truths gutter␣wounds hung␣out␣to␣dry hunt␣saboteur in␣hot␣pursuit innutritious instructours Mount␣Tsurugi multicounter multicountry multineutron mustering␣out musturbation nonstructure nonturbulent nutritiously out-and-outers outburstings outintrigued outintrigues outlustering output␣rating outrecuidant outroduction outstrutting outstubborns outthrusting outthundered puncturation putter␣around reoutputting return␣to␣dust rugopunctate run␣out␣of␣town rusty␣tinamou student␣hours Student␣Hours subconstruct subnutrition substruction Sumter␣County Sutter␣County tau␣neutrinos tauromustine tongue␣thrust tortuousness tourniqueted tribunitious Trump␣country Tucker␣County tuckering␣out Tulare␣County Turgo␣turbine Turner␣County turning␣about Ulster␣County unconstructs underthought unfortuitous unfortunates unguitractor unnutritious unobstructed unportentous unsaturation untorturable untraitorous urotoxic␣unit Venture␣Scout voluntourist
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