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There are 56 thirteen-letter words containing 3N, 2O and 2RBurton-on-Trent ironmongering morning␣person nanoconverter nanogenerator nanoresonator nanotransport Narina␣trogons neurochondrin neuroendorine nonarrogation nonastronomer nonborderline noncarnivores nonconcurrent nonconcurring nonconformers nonconfronter nonconservers noncontractor nonconverters noncorrecting noncorrection noncorrupting noncorruption nonforeigners nongonorrheal nonhibernator nonirrational nonirrigation nonoccurrence nonoverridden nonparanormal nonperforming nonprotruding nonrainforest nonrefraction nonregression nonreinforced nonrepression nonresponders non-responders nonretraction nontransitory nonwaterborne nook␣and␣corner norandrostane norbornadiene norethindrone oxanorbornene oxonorbornene reconfronting reconnoitring repronouncing round␣and␣round sensory␣neuron
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