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There are 76 sixteen-letter words containing N, R, 2S, 2T and Wartistic␣swimming Bornean␣swiftlets Bow␣Street␣Runners Buster␣Brown␣suits cast␣one's␣net␣wider character␣witness countertwistings counterwitnessed counterwitnesses creditworthiness fantasy␣wrestling flightworthiness gesamtkunstwerks Gesamtkunstwerks interest␣rate␣swap lowest-resolution Mersenne␣twisters mother-in-law␣seats network␣subsystem Newton-Cotes␣rules northwesternmost Northwest␣Passage Ooststellingwerf screw␣ventilators semantic␣networks shy␣bairns␣get␣nowt southwesternmost Southwestern␣pink sown␣dragon's␣teeth sows␣dragon's␣teeth spaghetti␣western spaghetti␣Western Spaghetti␣Western stately␣bush␣brown stepfathers-in-law stretch␣one's␣wings strings␣to␣one's␣bow swearing␣contests Sweet␣Grass␣County testing␣the␣waters throneworthiness throws␣in␣the␣cards throws␣to␣the␣lions throws␣to␣the␣winds total␣return␣swaps towers␣of␣strength Tuscarawas␣County twisted␣cylinders twist␣someone's␣arm two-stroke␣engines unnoteworthiness war␣establishment warrant␣of␣fitness warrants␣of␣arrest watchman's␣rattles watchmen's␣rattles watershed␣moments wears␣too␣many␣hats weathering␣steels Western␣astrology Western␣Australia Western␣Christian western␣rat␣snakes Westminster␣Abbey west-northwestern West␣Nusa␣Tenggara west-southwestern Weststellingwerf wet␣t-shirt␣contest whistling␣marmots Winchester␣quarts windmill␣restarts within␣one's␣rights witness␣tampering world's␣fastest␣man writ␣of␣assistance
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 16 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 234 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 50 words
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