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There are 76 fifteen-letter words containing O, R, S and 2Wannual␣wormwoods black␣swallowers blow␣one's␣own␣horn cochlear␣windows common␣glowworms common␣glow-worms corkscrew␣flower crown␣green␣bowls downstreamwards downward␣spirals electric␣windows follows␣the␣crowd for␣what␣it's␣worth Henslow's␣sparrow Hollywood␣shower Ipswich␣sparrows lockdown␣browser marigold␣windows Moscow␣Water␣Dogs News␣of␣the␣Screws Newton's␣first␣law Newton's␣third␣law New␣World␣monkeys New␣World␣sparrow northwest␣by␣west northwestwardly Old␣World␣sparrow rainbow␣coleslaw reap␣what␣one␣sows redtwig␣dogwoods selfawarewolves shadow␣real␣wages small␣brown␣crows snowplow␣parents southwestwardly sparrows'␣wedding strip␣the␣willows swallow␣tanagers sweat␣of␣one's␣brow sword-swallowers sword␣swallowers sword␣swallowing swordswomanship threw␣to␣the␣winds throws␣a␣wrench␣in throws␣money␣away throw␣to␣the␣winds transfer␣windows two␣pennies'␣worth wakeboard␣towers war␣to␣end␣all␣wars weekend␣warriors went␣nowhere␣fast western␣barn␣owls what␣a␣small␣world wheelbarrowfuls wheelbarrowsful whisper␣networks whistling␣arrows white-browed␣tits Wigglesworthian window␣coverings window␣detectors window-dressings window␣dressings wireless␣network wishbone␣flowers woman␣of␣few␣words wonder␣of␣wonders woodworker's␣lung working␣drawings workout␣warriors Worthington's␣law worth␣the␣whistle writings␣on␣walls wrong␣side␣of␣town
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 3 words
- French Wiktionary: 15 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 39 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 23 words
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