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There are 66 nine-letter words containing O, P and 3Tbottletop bottle␣top cottontop hettotype hot␣potato outputted outputter outstript Patterton petticoat Pettinato pettitoes photostat phototest pitot␣tube pit␣toilet pity␣potty plottiest plot␣twist poetettes poststate poststent posttests posttotal posttruth post-truth potentate potentite potestate potted␣out Potterite Potterton Potthasts pottlepot potty␣talk Pratt␣knot prostitot prosti-tot put␣to␣rest puttyroot spit␣it␣out spot␣tests spottiest stop-start Tapscotts tatie␣pots tectotype tempietto temptator test␣pilot textposts Thompsett tight␣spot tiptopite tittynope toot␣plant tophatted top-hatted topstitch top␣to␣tail tripotent triptotes triptotic trout␣pout went␣potty went␣to␣pot
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