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putoo —— bootup boot␣up copout cop-out cop␣out foot␣up opt-out opt␣out outtop out-top Pao-t'ou Poitou popout pop␣out pot␣out pou␣sto puttoo root␣up took␣up tool␣up topout top-out top␣out updoot uproot uptook —— autopod boots␣up bootups copouts cop-outs cops␣out cropout crop␣out dope␣out dropout drop-out drop␣out four-top goodput got␣up␣to nope␣out octopus open␣out opt-outs opts␣out outcrop outplod outplot outpoll outpomp outpope outport outpost outpour outroop outrope outshop outtops out-tops out-topt out␣upon Ploutos podonut poke␣out poop␣out Pootung popouts pops␣out pork␣out Portbou portous pots␣out Pouliot Poulton pour␣out pultoon punatoo Pushtoo puttoos shoot␣up slop␣out stood␣up stopout stop␣out tools␣up topouts top-outs tops␣out Topusko torpour upboost updoots up-or-out up␣or␣out uproots upshoot upstood up␣to␣now —— adopt␣out atropous autocoup autoloop autopods auto␣polo autopost auto␣shop autostop booted␣up bottom-up boughpot bough␣pot cloudtop come␣up␣to compotus computor corroupt cosy␣up␣to cozy␣up␣to cropouts crops␣out cutproof doctor␣up dooputty doped␣out dopes␣out dropouts drop-outs drops␣out drop␣trou footspur four-tops hop␣about hornpout housetop jump␣boot look␣up␣to mapo␣tofu noped␣out nopes␣out octopush octopusy octupole opted␣out outcrops outgroup outplods outplots outpoint outpoise outpolls outpomps outports outposts outpours outpower outroops outroped outroper outropes outscoop outshops outspoke outspook outsport outspout phone-out podonuts point␣out poops␣out porteous Porteous Portuñol postcoup postnoun post-noun potbound pot-bound pothouse pot-house Poulshot Poultons pound␣out poupeton poutsome proctour prone␣out pronotum protosun protumor prove␣out Pukhtoon pulmotor pultoons Pushtoon put␣on␣dog reuptook roundtop round-top round␣top scope␣out Shapotou shoots␣up shot␣soup slops␣out soft␣coup spook␣out spool␣out spout␣off spout␣out stomp␣out stopouts swot␣up␣on ton-up␣boy tooled␣up toponium top␣round tsipouro upboosts updooted uprootal uprooted uprooter upshoots —— adoptious aproctous Austropop autocoups autogolpe autoloops automorph autophoby autophone Autophone autophony autopiano autopilot autoploid autopodal autopodia auto␣poker autopolar autoposts autoscope autoscopy auto␣shops autospore autosport autostops autotroph auxotroph auxotropy booting␣up booty␣bump bottoms␣up boughpots bough␣pots cloudtops clumproot computors copped␣out coproduct copulator corruptor count␣coup count␣upon Courthope doping␣out do-support double␣top downspout drops␣trou duopolist dustproof Europanto Europoort footpound foot-pound footspurs four-point fruitloop fruit␣loop Fruit␣Loop groupetto hoppus␣ton hornpouts housepost housetops hypotonus impostour jump␣boots keep␣out␣of Kochtopus Koputaroa looks␣up␣to motuporin Mount␣Hope mouthsoap multiloop multipool
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