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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing 3O, U, W and Yhonourworthy how␣came␣you␣so how␣do␣you␣like how␣do␣you␣mean how␣old␣are␣you mind␣how␣you␣go Morrow␣County Onslow␣County Oswego␣County roll-your-owns 14 definitions found- honourworthy — adj. Worthy of or deserving honour; honourable.
- how␣came␣you␣so — adj. (Slang, obsolete) Drunk.
- how␣do␣you␣like — phr. Used to ask someone for their opinion. — phr. (Humorous, derogatory) Used to deride the character or personality…
- how␣do␣you␣mean — phr. A request for clarification of what the listener just said.
- how␣old␣are␣you — phr. Asks the age of the interlocutor. — phr. (Impolite) Used to question the mental age (maturity) of the interlocutor. — phr. (China, humorous) Why is it always you? You again?
- mind␣how␣you␣go — phr. (Idiomatic, dated) A phrase used at parting.
- Morrow␣County — prop.n. One of 88 counties in Ohio, United States. County seat… — prop.n. One of 36 counties in Oregon, United States. County seat…
- Onslow␣County — prop.n. One of 100 counties in North Carolina, United States…
- Oswego␣County — prop.n. One of 62 counties in New York, United States. County seat: Oswego.
- roll-your-owns — n. Plural of roll-your-own.
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