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There are 100 thirteen-letter words containing 2O, P, R and 2Yalgodystrophy butopyronoxyl caryophyllous chloropyridyl cryolipolysis cryptocotylar cryptopyrrole cryptozoology cryptozoölogy cytogeography dihydrolipoyl dihydropyrone dysmorphology glycopolymers glycopyranose gypsy␣mushroom homokaryotype hydrogeophyte hydropedology hydroperoxyls hydropolymers hydroxyphenol hydroxyprolyl hydroxypropyl hydroxypyrone hyperhomology hyperpolyglot hypertopology hypoallometry hypobaropathy hypocarnivory hypodermatomy hypohydration hyponormality hyposecretory hyposmolarity hypothecatory hypothyreosis hypothyroidic karyopycnosis karyopyknoses karyopyknosis karyopyknotic kryptopyrrole leukodystropy lipodystrophy lyxopyranoses methylotrophy microtoponymy myodystrophic myriapodology myrmecomorphy myrmecotrophy mysteriosophy neurhypnology neuromyopathy Olympia␣oyster pharyngoscopy pharyngostomy polyamorously polyandrogyny polyandrously polycystronic polydeoxyribo- polydystrophy polyembryomas polyembryonic polyglycerols polygonometry polygynadrous polyholohedry polyisoprenyl polykaryocyte polymorbidity polyovulatory polypropylene polysyndromic prepsychology proglycolytic prolymphocyte promyelocytes promyelocytic propygostylar prothymocytes prothyrocytes psychohistory psychosensory pyloromyotomy pyrogeography pyrophoricity sonomyography symphonygoers thyroidopathy topsyturvydom topsy-turvydom Woodburytypes xylopyranoses xylopyranosyl yellow␣atrophy zoopsychiatry
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 9 words
- French Wiktionary: 7 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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