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There are 64 fourteen-letter words containing O, P, 2S, T and Wassault␣weapons at␣swords'␣points Bishop's␣Waltham boatswain's␣pipe deep-water␣solos grasp␣for␣straws gums␣up␣the␣works gypsy␣meltdowns hotwater␣physas lost-wax␣process paper␣townships pills␣to␣swallow poisons␣the␣well port-wine␣stains posteriorwards power␣distances power␣struggles prosector's␣wart put␣someone␣wise puts␣to␣the␣sword russet␣sparrows saltwater␣soaps Santa's␣workshop screws␣the␣pooch sedlitz␣powders shadowgraphist showed␣the␣ropes sixpennyworths Skipton-on-Swale slap␣on␣the␣wrist snow␣partridges spaghetti␣bowls spaghetti␣worms spiny␣tubeworms sportswatching state␣ownership swamp␣white␣oaks swap␣partitions sweetens␣the␣pot Swiss␣stone␣pine throwing␣shapes twins␣paradoxes twist␣morphisms two␣beers,␣please two-party␣system up␣to␣one's␣elbows wafflestompers waffle-stompers waffle␣stompers waste␣disposals waterproofness water␣scorpions weatherpersons western␣ospreys what's␣yer␣poison whistlestopped whistle-stopped whistling␣shops will␣of␣the␣wisps Wilson's␣petrels Wollaston␣prism wooden␣spoonist yellow␣passport Zapata␣sparrows
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 4 words
- French Wiktionary: 14 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 23 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 42 words
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