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There are 123 fourteen-letter words containing 2O, P, S, T, U and Yanthroponymous automysophobia autopolyploids autoprotolyses autoprotolysis autosarcophagy bromopyruvates butyrophenones by␣return␣of␣post campylotropous compulsatorily compunctiously computer␣says␣no contemptuously costopulmonary countrypersons courtesy␣copies cryptomedusoid cryptoporticus cyclocomputers erythrophilous esophaguectomy expository␣lump fructopyranose heterophyllous hyperdicrotous hyperstomatous hypnoseduction hypoeutectoids hyporegulators ichthyophagous leptodactylous leucodystrophy leukodystrophy liposolubility Lipscomb␣County liquidity␣pools Lyapunov␣orbits lymphatogenous Mariposa␣County minority␣groups neurohypnotism neuropsychotic nonhypotenuses obreptitiously obstreperously ossiculoplasty oxyquinaseptol Pemiscot␣County petty-bourgeois petty␣bourgeois photomyoclonus physioacoustic phytocompounds phytomolecules phytosulfokine picoeucaryotes picoeukaryotes pneumocystoses pneumocystosis Poinsett␣County polychromatous polyconjugates polyfidelitous polyfructosans polyfucosylate polyisobutenes polyneopterous polyoxoaurates polyphemus␣moth polyspermatous polysulfations polysulfonated polysumoylated pornosexuality postconfluency postcopulatory posterobucally postnucleotomy precapsulotomy preposterously Presidio␣County proditoriously protosexuality protosyncellus protoyuccoside pseudo-city␣code pseudolocality pseudomorality pseudomycetoma pseudomyotonia pseudomyotonic pseudomyxomata pseudovelocity psychoacoustic psychoeducator psychoneurotic pyrobituminous pyrotartareous rhinophymatous spooktacularly staphylococcus staphylomatous St.␣Joseph␣County subposteriorly supererogatory superovulatory suppositionary suppositiously surrogate␣proxy symptom␣journal temporaneously thysanopterous Tompkins␣County topsyturvydoms ultrasonoscopy unary␣operators unopposability unphagocytosed unpropitiously visuotopically xanthophyllous Yarmouth␣capons
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 24 words
- French Wiktionary: 81 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 7 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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