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There are 87 ten-letter words containing P, 2S and Zapostasize apusozoans aspherizes azaspirans capsizings capsulizes despotizes emphasizes gospelizes Grynszpans hospitizes jasperizes lespedezas passamezzi passamezzo passivized passivizer passivizes pastorizes personizes Pesantezes pessimized pessimizes piazzaless pistazites pizza␣shops podsolizes ponzi␣scams Ponzi␣scams posterizes posturizes Poyntzpass pressurize Przybyszes puzzleless samplesize schizopods schizopost schpritzes seizes␣upon sitzprobes Sitzprobes sizarships solipsized solipsizes Spanishize spazzes␣out spinalizes Spinozists spiralizes Spitz␣nevus Spizzirris sporozoans sporozoids spot␣prizes Spreitzers spritziest spritzings spudzookas star␣prizes subpuzzles supersized super-sized supersizes superzones superzooms sushi␣pizza syncopizes synopsized synopsizes syphilizes trapezists vazirships vezirships vizirships wazirships Zapatistas zephyrless zipperless zoophysics zoospheres zoöspheres zoosporous zoothapsis zygosperms zygospores zymoscopes
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