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There are 123 thirteen-letter words containing R, S, T, X and Yalexipyretics amylodextrins axiosymmetric axissymmetric axisymmetries axisymmetrise azoxystrobins butylperoxyls carboxysterol ceratomyxosis costoaxillary cryofixations cryofixatives cryptoexotics cyclodextrans cyclodextrins cytopharynxes denitroxylase density␣matrix deoxycortisol desoxycortone dimoxystrobin dolly␣mixtures Dorothy␣Dixers enteromyxosis exasperatedly exopterygotes exotic␣baryons expert␣systems export␣subsidy expositionary expostulatory extensiometry exteropsychic extraphysical extrasyllabic extrasynaptic extrasynovial extrasystemic extrasystoles extrasystolia extrasystolic extravasatory extremophytes extrinsically galaxy␣cluster glycerotoxins grayanotoxins graysexuality hydrothoraxes hydroxyesters hydroxy␣esters hydroxyethyls hydroxysterol hypercathexes hypercathexis hyperexcretes hyperextensor hypermatrixes hypertextures hysteropexies indexterously intersexually intrasexually macrosyntaxes Marxistically mesoxerophyte methoxyarenes metrosexually microsyntaxes myxogastrians myxosarcomata nitrophenoxys nonexpository oxyarylations oxycarbonates oxycorticoids oxygen␣wasters oxyregulators oxysulphurets oxytellurides para-hypotaxis parasexuality paroxytonesis peroxydations phytoextracts picoxystrobin polyrotaxanes postmaxillary preaxostylids property␣taxes proximity␣fuse proxy␣patterns pulse␣oximetry robosexuality sixpennyworth sixty-eighters star-sixty-nine star␣sixty-nine St.␣Croix␣County stereotype␣tax styxosaurines subxerophytic supertaxonomy toxic␣syndrome transaxillary transaxonally transfixingly transsexually tryparedoxins Tumblr␣sexyman undexterously xenochemistry xenodiversity xeromesophyte X-ray␣astronomy X-ray␣telescope X-ray␣therapies xylanesterase xylochemistry xylographists xylotetraoses yeast␣extracts
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 12 words
- French Wiktionary: 91 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 7 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 3 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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