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The word chain is in the Wiktionary

39 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • chain n. A series of interconnected rings or links usually made of metal.
  • chain n. A series of interconnected things.
  • chain n. A series of stores or businesses with the same brand name.
  • chain n. (Chemistry) A number of atoms in a series, which combine to form a molecule.
  • chain n. (Surveying) A series of interconnected links of known length, used as a measuring device.
  • chain n. (Surveying) A long measuring tape.
  • chain n. A unit of length equal to 22 yards. The length of a Gunter’s surveying chain. The length of a cricket…
  • chain n. (Mathematics, set theory, order theory) A totally ordered set, especially a totally ordered subset of a poset.
  • chain n. (Britain) A sequence of linked house purchases, each of which is dependent on the preceding and succeeding…
  • chain n. That which confines, fetters, or secures; a bond.
  • chain n. (Nautical, in the plural) Iron links bolted to the side of a vessel to bold the dead-eyes connected…
  • chain n. A livery collar, a chain of office.
  • chain n. (Weaving) The warp threads of a web.
  • chain v. (Transitive) To fasten something with a chain.
  • chain v. (Figurative) To connect as if with a chain, due to dependence, addiction, or other feelings.
  • chain v. (Intransitive) To link multiple items together.
  • chain v. (Transitive) To secure someone with fetters.
  • chain v. (Transitive) To obstruct the mouth of a river etc with a chain.
  • chain v. (Figurative) To obligate.
  • chain v. (Computing) To relate data items with a chain of pointers.
  • chain v. (Computing) To be chained to another data item.
  • chain v. (Transitive) To measure a distance using a 66-foot long chain, as in land surveying.
  • chain v. (Transitive, computing, rare, associated with Acorn Computers) To load and automatically run (a program).
  • Chain prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Irish
    • cháin n. Lenited form of cáin.
  • Welsh
    • chain adj. Aspirate mutation of cain.
— English words, defined in German —
  • chain S. Kette, Fessel (Reihe aus beweglichen, ineinandergefügten Gliedern, meist Ringen).
  • chain S. Physik, Chemie: Kette.
  • chain S. Übertragen: Kette, Reihe.
  • chain S. Ladenkette.
  • chain S. Messkette.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • chain n. Ketting, keten.
  • chain w. Ketenen.
— English words, defined in French —
  • chain n. Chaîne.
  • chain v. Enchaîner, attacher avec une chaîne, river.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • chain s. Cadena.
  • chain v. Encadenar.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • chain s. Corrente.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • chain s. Catena.
141 English words from 26 English definitions

Acorn addiction and another A␣number␣of as␣if as␣in Aspirate Aspirate␣mutation associated atoms automatically bold bolted bond brand brand␣name Britain businesses cain chain chained Chemistry collar combine Computers computing confines connect connected cricket data dead dead-eyes dependence dependent device distance due due␣to each equal especially etc eyes fasten feelings fetters Figurative foot form Gunter house interconnected Intransitive Iron item items known land length Lenited link linked links livery load long made made␣of Mathematics measure measuring measuring␣tape metal molecule mouth multiple mutation name Nautical number obligate obstruct of␣a office on␣the order ordered ordered␣set other plural pointers poset preceding program purchases rare relate rings river run same secure secures sequence series set set␣theory side someone something stores subset succeeding surname surveying tape That the theory the␣same things threads together totally totally␣ordered totally␣ordered␣set to␣the Transitive unit used using usually vessel warp Weaving web which with yards

5 English words from 13 foreign definitions

attacher Cadena Catena Corrente river

20 foreign words from 13 foreign definitions

aus avec beweglichen chaîne Chemie Encadenar Enchaîner Fessel Gliedern keten Ketenen Kette Ketting Ladenkette meist Physik Reihe Ringen Übertragen une

190 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

chaine chains Chains Chainat Chai␣Nat chained chainer chaines chainik chainon chain␣up chainage chainers chainest chaineth chaingun chain␣gun chainiks chaining chainlet chainman chainmen chainons chainsaw chain␣saw chainset chains␣up chain␣tie chainable chainages chain␣boat chainbolt chaincase chain␣case chaincode chain␣code chained␣up chainette chainfall chainfern chain␣fern chain␣gang chainguns chain␣guns chainings chainless chainlets chainlike chainlink chainmail chain-mail chain␣mail +138 words

123 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

cochains enchains unchains bechained bra␣chains cha-chaing enchained hogchains keychains key␣chains nonchains subchains top-chains unchained unchainer antichains backchains cold␣chains Courchaine curb␣chains door␣chains drag-chains enchaining foodchains food␣chains forechains homochains mainchains megachains merochains minichains nanochains pawn␣chains sacha␣inchi sidechains side␣chains snow␣chains tire␣chains toolchains tyre␣chains unchainers unchaining word␣chains backchained belly␣chains blockchains block␣chains choke␣chains Courchaines daisy-chains daisy␣chains +72 words

110 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

cochain enchain on-chain rechain unchain bra␣chain hogchain keychain key␣chain midchain nonchain off-chain subchain top-chain antichain backchain cold␣chain curb␣chain door␣chain drag-chain foodchain food␣chain forechain homochain long-chain mainchain megachain merochain minichain nanochain open-chain pawn␣chain sidechain side␣chain snow␣chain tire␣chain toolchain tyre␣chain word␣chain belly␣chain blockchain block␣chain choke␣chain daisy-chain daisy␣chain decay␣chain disenchain Duplechain glycochain green␣chain +60 words

11 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Ain AIN ain' cha Cha CHA -cha chai Chai hai hain

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

nia Nia NIA

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Achin Anich Chian Chi-an china China

50 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

aching aincha apinch archin canthi Cashin cash-in cash␣in Chafin chaine chains Chains Changi Chania chanid Chanie Chanti chanzi Chapin chasin' Chiang Chians chikan Chikan chiman Chinan Chi-nan chinar chinas Chinas Chinca Chinea Chinka chiRNA chrain Cishan dincha Hanfic Ichang I-ch'ang inarch Kachin Machin manchi Michna Noahic Pachin painch Ranchi Yanchi

30 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

achi Achi AHCI Cahn cain Cain -cain- chai Chai chan Chan -chan chia Chia chin Chin Ch'in Ch*na cinA hain HNIC ichn- inca Inca inch Inch NACI Naic NIAC Nica

11 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Chaik Chaim chair Chair chais Chait Chaon chaun Crain Shain Thain

12 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

cain Cain -cain- chai Chai chan Chan -chan chin Chin Ch'in hain

4 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Chafin Chapin chasin' chrain

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