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The word chair is in the Wiktionary

52 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • chair n. An item of furniture used to sit on or in, comprising a seat, legs or wheels, back, and sometimes arm…
  • chair n. (Often with definite article, also written Chair) Clipping of chairperson.
  • chair n. (Music) The seating position of a particular musician in an orchestra.
  • chair n. (Rail transport) An iron block used on railways to support the rails and secure them to the sleepers…
  • chair n. (Chemistry) One of two possible conformers of cyclohexane rings (the other being boat), shaped roughly like a chair.
  • chair n. (Slang, with the) Ellipsis of electric chair. (the execution device).
  • chair n. (Education) A distinguished professorship at a university.
  • chair n. A vehicle for one person; either a sedan borne upon poles, or a two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse; a gig.
  • chair n. The seat or office of a person in authority, such as a judge or bishop.
  • chair v. (Transitive) To act as chairperson at; to preside over.
  • chair v. (Transitive) To carry in a seated position upon one’s shoulders, especially in celebration or victory.
  • chair v. (Transitive, Wales, UK) To award a chair to (a winning poet) at a Welsh eisteddfod.
  • Chair prop.n. (Often with definite article) Chairperson.
  • Chair prop.n. (Fandom slang) The ship of characters Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf of the Gossip Girl series.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Gallo
    • chair v. Alternative form of chaeir.
  • Manx
    • chair adj. Lenited form of cair.
    • chair n. Lenited form of cair.
  • Middle french
  • Old french
    • chair v. Alternative form of cheoir.
    • chaïr v. Alternative infinitive of cheoir.
— English words, defined in German —
  • chair S. Sessel, Sitz, Stuhl.
  • chair S. Umgangssprachlich: elektrischer Stuhl.
  • chair S. In Gremien/Vorständen: Vorsitzende(r).
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • chair n. Stoel.
— English words, defined in French —
  • chair n. (Mobilier) Chaise, fauteuil.
  • chair n. Chaire (dans une grande école publique).
  • chair n. (Chemin de fer) Coussinet (qui attache les rails aux traverses).
  • chair n. (Par ellipse) Président.
  • chair v. Présider à une réunion.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • chair s. Mobiliario. Silla.
  • chair s. Cátedra.
  • chair s. Presidencia (de un comité, reunión o compañía).
  • chair s. Durmiente (de una vía férrea).
  • chair v. Presidir (un comité, reunión o compañía).
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • chair s. Cadeira.
  • chair s. O líder de uma reunião, encontro, etc.
  • chair v. Agir como o líder de uma reunião, encontro, etc.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • chair s. (Falegnameria) sedia.
— In French —
  • chair n.f. (Anatomie) Toutes les parties molles du corps de l’homme…
  • chair n.f. (Chirurgie) Parties molles qu’on traverse avec l’instrument…
  • chair n.f. (Nosologie) Substance molle qu’on observe dans les solutions…
  • chair n.f. (Nutrition) La viande des animaux terrestres et des oiseaux…
  • chair n.f. (Nutrition) Partie blanche ou rougeâtre, mais de nature…
  • chair n.f. (Poésie) L’apparence extérieure, la peau, la carnation.
  • chair n.f. (Par analogie) Partie succulente de certains fruits, aussi…
  • chair n.f. (Bible) Être vivant, homme ou animal.
  • chair n.f. (Religion) Corps considéré en opposition à la nature spirituelle.
  • chair n.f. (Christianisme) Chez saint Paul, ensemble des pulsions…
  • chair n.f. (Religion) Concupiscence charnelle.
  • chair n.f. Corps senti du point de vue de la personne même.
  • chair n.f. (Travail du cuir) Côté de la peau opposé à celui où se…
  • chair adj. Beige rosé, proche de la couleur de la chair de l’Européen.
120 English words from 20 English definitions

act also Alternative and arm article authority award back Bass being bishop Blair block boat borne cair carriage carry celebration chair chairperson characters Chemistry Chuck Clipping comprising conformers cyclohexane definite definite␣article device distinguished drawn Education eisteddfod either electric electric␣chair Ellipsis especially execution Fandom Flesh for form for␣one furniture gig Girl Gossip horse infinitive iron item judge legs Lenited like Music musician of␣a office Often one orchestra other over particular person poet poles position possible preside professorship Rail rails Rail␣transport railways rings roughly seat seated seating secure sedan series shaped ship shoulders sit sit␣on slang sleepers sometimes such such␣as support the them to␣the Transitive transport two two-wheeled university upon used used␣to vehicle victory Waldorf Wales Welsh wheeled wheels winning with written

53 English words from 32 foreign definitions

à␣la animal apparence attache aux Beige Bible carnation chair Chaire Chaise Chemin␣de␣fer Chez Chirurgie Concupiscence corps couleur Coussinet dans des ellipse ensemble etc fauteuil fer fruits grande instrument les molle nature Nutrition observe opposition Par parties Paul point publique pulsions rails Religion rosé saint senti Silla solutions spirituelle Substance Travail traverse traverses vivant

81 foreign words from 32 foreign definitions

Agir analogie Anatomie animaux aussi avec blanche Cadeira Cátedra celui certains charnelle Chemin Christianisme comité como compañía considéré Côté cuir dans␣les de␣fer de␣la Durmiente école elektrischer elektrischer␣Stuhl encontro Être Être␣vivant Européen extérieure Falegnameria férrea grande␣école Gremien homme la␣peau líder mais même Mobiliario Mobilier molles Nosologie oiseaux opposé Partie parties␣molles peau personne Poésie point␣de␣vue Presidencia Président Présider Presidir proche proche␣de qui reunião réunion rougeâtre saint␣Paul sedia Sessel Sitz Stoel Stuhl succulente terrestres Toutes uma Umgangssprachlich una une vía viande Vorsitzende Vorständen vue

94 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

chaire chairs chaired chaires Chairez chair␣bed Chairboy chairful chairing chairman chairmat chair␣mat chairmen chairback chair␣beds Chairboys chair␣days Chairezes chairfast chairfolk chairfuls chairhood chairlady chairless chairlift chair-lift chair␣lift chairlike chairmans chairmats chair␣mats chairness chair␣plug chair␣rail chairsful chairship chairside chairward chairwise chairwork chairbacks chairborne chairbound chaircover chairdrobe chairlifts chair␣lifts chairmaker chairmaned chairmanly +44 words

182 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

X-chairs cochairs co-chairs machaira machairs armchairs arm-chairs bar␣chairs bedchairs cochaired co-chaired ear␣chairs enchaired hot␣chairs machairas sunchairs tub␣chairs armchaired bathchairs bath␣chairs Bath␣chairs bowl␣chairs club␣chairs cochairing co-chairing cochairman cochairmen deckchairs deck-chairs deck␣chairs desk␣chairs easy␣chairs game␣chairs geri␣chairs headchairs highchairs high␣chairs lawnchairs lawn␣chairs monk␣chairs pubic␣hairs pushchairs sidechairs side␣chairs stepchairs step␣chairs vice-chairs vice␣chairs wingchairs wing␣chairs +132 words

136 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

X-chair cochair co-chair machair Unchair armchair arm-chair bar␣chair bedchair catch␣air ear␣chair hot␣chair sunchair tub␣chair bathchair bath␣chair Bath␣chair bowl␣chair club␣chair deckchair deck-chair deck␣chair desk␣chair easy-chair easy␣chair game␣chair geri␣chair headchair highchair high␣chair lawnchair lawn␣chair monk␣chair pubic␣hair pushchair sidechair side␣chair stepchair step␣chair vice-chair vice␣chair wingchair wing␣chair beach␣chair birth␣chair Eames␣chair elbowchair elbow-chair elbow␣chair empty␣chair +86 words

11 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

air 'air cha Cha CHA -cha chai Chai hai hair Hair

3 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ria RIA riah

6 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

Achir Archi archi- Cahir Chira rachi-

49 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

achari achier achira archei archie Archie archil archin arheic Arioch Barich cahier Carchi chadri chaire chairs Chakri Charis Charli Charvi chinar Chirag chiral Chiraq CHIRLA chiRNA chiura choria chrain diarch eriach Gricha Hamric harico hircar inarch Marchi mirach Mirach oricha Rachid rachis Radich Raiche Raîche Ranchi Sirach urachi X-chair

42 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

achi Achi ACIR Acri AHCI Ahir AICR arch Arch ARCH -arch arch- arch. arci cair CAIR chai Chai char Char chia Chia chir- Cira CIRA Crai cria CRIA hair Hair Hari Hira HRIA ICRA Ihar rach Rach RCIA riah rich Rich Riha

14 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Chaik Chaim chain Chain chais Chait charr chaur cheir- choir Clair khair Phair thair

9 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

cair CAIR chai Chai char Char chir- hair Hair

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