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The word code is in the Wiktionary

77 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • code n. A short symbol, often with little relation to the item it represents.
  • code n. A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the…
  • code n. Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject.
  • code n. A set of rules for converting information into another form or representation.
  • code n. A message represented by rules intended to conceal its meaning.
  • code n. (Cryptography) A cryptographic system using a codebook that converts words or phrases into codewords.
  • code n. (Programming, uncountable) Instructions for a computer, written in a programming language; the input…
  • code n. (Scientific programming) A program.
  • code n. (Linguistics) A particular lect or language variety.
  • code n. (Medicine) An emergency requiring situation-trained members of the staff.
  • code n. (Informal) A set of unwritten rules that bind a social group.
  • code v. (Computing) To write software programs.
  • code v. To add codes to a dataset.
  • code v. To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes.
  • code v. (Cryptography) To encode.
  • code v. (Genetics, intransitive) To encode a protein.
  • code v. (Medicine) To call a hospital emergency code.
  • code v. (Intransitive, medicine) To go into a state where a hospital emergency code is required to save one’s life.
  • code v. (Medicine) Of a patient, to suffer a sudden medical emergency (a code blue) such as cardiac arrest.
  • Code prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Aromanian - Friulian - Tarantino
  • Bourguignon
  • Chinese
    • code n. (Hong Kong Cantonese) code (symbol).
    • code n. (Hong Kong Cantonese, computing) code.
  • Friulian
    • code n. Queue, line.
  • Middle english
    • code n. Any kind of plant gum; a gummy or resinous substance.
    • code n. Cud; regurgitated food chewed upon by livestock.
    • code n. (Rare) A mass or lump; a large pile of something.
    • code n. A coherent and unified body of laws.
    • code n. The core of someone’s last testament.
    • code n. Alternative form of codde (“seedpod”).
    • coðe n. Alternative form of cothe.
  • Old french
    • code n. Alternative form of coute.
  • Walloon
— English words, defined in French —
  • code n. Code.
  • code n. (Programmation) Code.
  • code n. Réglement.
  • code n. Mot de passe.
  • code n. Cote.
  • code v. Coder.
  • code v. Faire un arrêt cardiaque.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • code s. Código.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • code s. Código.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • code s. Codice.
  • code s. (Elettronica) (informatica) codice.
— In German —
  • Code S. Kode.
  • Code S. Informatik, Nachrichtentechnik: ein System von Übereinkünften…
  • Code S. Informatik: kurz für Quellcode, also der vom Menschen lesbare…
  • Code S. Biologie: der genetische Code.
  • Code S. Soziolinguistik: die Sprechweise einer bestimmten Sozialschicht…
  • Code S. Recht: ein umfassendes Gesetzesbuch.
  • Code S. Kryptologie: System zur Verschlüsselung von Texten oder zur…
  • Code S. Linguistik: System sprachlicher Zeichen und ihrer Verbindungen.
  • Code S. Semiotik: System von Zeichen und ihrer Verbindungen.
— In Dutch —
  • code n. Geheimschrift, versleuteling zoals bijv. een dagboekcode.
  • code n. De verzameling voorschriften en omgangsvormen op een bepaald…
  • code n. Volgorde van cijfers of letters om een cijferslot te openen, sleutel.
  • code n. (Informatica) stelsel van symbolen voor een informatieverwerkende machine.
  • code n. (Taalkunde) taal, register, dialect.
— In French —
  • code n.m. (Droit) Ensemble de lois ou d’ordonnances relatives à une…
  • code n.m. Publication constituant une codification privée.
  • code n.m. Droit, lois.
  • code n.m. (Automobile) Feu de croisement, dispositif d’éclairage…
  • code n.m. (Par métonymie) (Automobile, Sécurité routière) L’épreuve…
  • code n.m. Ensemble de coutumes, de préceptes ou de règles écrites…
  • code n.m. Système de symboles servant à échanger des informations.
  • code n.m. Langage secret.
  • code n.m. (Linguistique) Ensemble de règles ou contraintes qui assurent…
  • code n.m. (Programmation) Langage de programmation informatique…
  • code n.m. (Technique) Système de symboles permettant de représenter…
  • code v. Première personne du singulier de l’indicatif présent de coder.
  • code v. Troisième personne du singulier de l’indicatif présent de coder.
  • code v. Première personne du singulier du subjonctif présent de coder.
  • code v. Troisième personne du singulier du subjonctif présent de coder.
  • code v. Deuxième personne du singulier de l’impératif de coder.
  • codé adj. Qui utilise un code, une transcription.
  • codé v. Participe passé masculin singulier du verbe coder.
159 English words from 34 English definitions

add Alternative and another Any applied arrest assigning bind blue body call Cantonese cardiac cardiac␣arrest categorise chewed code code␣blue codebook codes codewords coding coherent computer computing conceal converting converts core cothe CPT cryptographic Cryptography Cud dataset emergency encode example food for for␣example form from Genetics go␣into group gum gummy Hong Hong␣Kong hospital identifiers Informal information input Instructions insurance intended into intransitive item its kind kind␣of Kong language large last law laws lect legislation life line Linguistics little livestock lump mass meaning medical medicine members message Of␣a often one particular patient phrases pile plant principles program programming programming␣language programs protein purposes Queue Rare regulations regurgitated relating relation representation represented represents required requiring resinous Rope rules sanctioned save schedule Scientific seedpod set short situation social social␣group software someone something specifically staff state subject substance such such␣as sudden suffer surname symbol system Tail testament that the To␣go to␣the trained uncountable unified unwritten unwritten␣rules upon using variety where which with words write written

39 English words from 43 foreign definitions

also arrêt Automobile code coder codification Cote der des dialect die dispositif Droit een Ensemble Faire Feu informations letters machine masculin Menschen Mot Par passé Première Publication register relatives secret servant symboles System Technique transcription und utilise van vom

1 foreign word from 34 English definitions


96 foreign words from 43 foreign definitions

arrêt␣cardiaque assurent bepaald bestimmten Biologie cardiaque cijfers cijferslot codice Código constituant contraintes coutumes croisement Deuxième Deuxième␣personne échanger éclairage écrites ein einer Elettronica épreuve Feu␣de␣croisement für Geheimschrift genetische ihrer impératif indicatif informatica Informatik informatique Kode Kryptologie kurz Langage lesbare Linguistik Linguistique lois métonymie Mot␣de␣passe Nachrichtentechnik oder omgangsvormen openen ordonnances Participe Participe␣passé permettant personne préceptes Première␣personne présent privée programmation Quellcode qui Recht Réglement règles représenter routière Sécurité Sécurité␣routière Semiotik singulier sleutel Soziolinguistik sprachlicher Sprechweise stelsel subjonctif subjonctif␣présent symbolen Système taal Taalkunde Texten Troisième Troisième␣personne Übereinkünften umfassendes une verbe Verbindungen Verschlüsselung verzameling Volgorde von voor voorschriften Zeichen zoals zur

271 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

codec coded codel CODEN coder Coder codes Codes codex codecs codeia codein codels codend cod␣end CODENs coders Coders code␣up codebug Codegua codeias codeine codeins codemix code-mix code␣mix codends cod␣ends code␣red codeset codetta Codette codexes codeball codebase code␣base code␣blue codebook codebtor codebugs code␣cave codeface code␣face codefest codefine code␣golf codegree code␣grey codehead +221 words

380 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Q-codes Q␣codes decoded decoder decodes ecodeme encoded encoder encodes go␣codes IC␣codes incodes opcodes QR␣codes recoded recoder recodes uncoded upcoded upcodes vocoded vocoder vocodes barcoded barcoder barcodes bar␣codes bibcodes biocoded bio-coded biocodes bio-codes bro-codes bro␣codes capcodes cascoded cascodes decoders ecodemes encoders geocoded geocoder geocodes keycodes lawcodes miscoded miscodes mycoderm noncoded noncoder +330 words

217 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

p-code Q-code Q␣code BBCode decode encode ENCODE go␣code IC␣code incode no-code opcode QR␣code recode uncode upcode vocode barcode bar␣code bibcode biocode BioCode bio-code bro-code bro␣code capcode cascode Drocode geocode guy␣code keycode lawcode low-code malcode miscode netcode outcode phecode pincode placode precode pre-Code refcode RST␣code sarcode subcode topcode Unicode UPC␣code zincode +167 words

7 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

cod COD C.O.D. ode Ode ODE -ode

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

doc Doc DOC doc. Edo EDO

7 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

coed COED co-ed deco Deco ecod OECD

59 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Acedo CEOed chode co-bed codec coded codel CODEN coder Coder codes Codes codex codge codle coeds co-eds coend cofed coked colde coled conde Conde coned Con␣Ed Coode cooed coped cored cosed coted cou coved cowed coxed coyed cozed credo decko decon decor décor decos decoy Democ. dolce Dolce dooce Dorce +9 words

45 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

Cde CDE CD-E CDO CED ceo CEO cod COD C.O.D. Coe CoE COE DCE dec Dec DEC dec- dec. Dec. deo doc Doc DOC doc. doe Doe DOE ECD eco ECO eco- EDC Edo EDO EOC EOD OCD ODC ode Ode ODE -ode OEC OED

53 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

bode Bode cade Cade -cade cede -cide coda CODA Codd codo cods CODs Cody CofE C␣of␣E C.␣of␣E. coke Coke cole Cole -cole come cone Cone cope Cope core Core CORE -core co-r.e. cose cote Cote cove Cove Cowe Coxe Coye coze Cude hode lode mode node NODE pode rode Rode tode wode yode

13 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

Cde CDE CD-E cod COD C.O.D. Coe CoE COE ode Ode ODE -ode

8 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

chode codge codle colde conde Conde Coode cou

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