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The word concern is in the Wiktionary

48 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • concern n. That which affects one’s welfare or happiness. A matter of interest to someone.
  • concern n. The placement of interest or worry on a subject.
  • concern n. A worry; a sense that something may be wrong; an identification of a possible problem.
  • concern n. The expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person.
  • concern n. A business, firm or enterprise; a company.
  • concern n. (Programming) Any set of information that affects the code of a computer program.
  • concern v. (Transitive) To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest…
  • concern v. (Transitive) To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest.
  • concern v. (Transitive) To make somebody worried.
— Foreign word, define in English —
  • Romanian
— English words, defined in German —
  • concern S. Angelegenheit.
  • concern S. Betrieb.
  • concern S. Beziehung.
  • concern S. Interesse.
  • concern S. Wichtigkeit.
  • concern S. Bedenken.
  • concern S. Geschichte.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • concern n. Aangelegenheid.
  • concern n. Bezorgdheid.
  • concern n. (Bedrijfskunde) bedrijf, concern, onderneming [1].
  • concern w. Betreffen.
  • concern w. Zich zorgen maken om.
— English words, defined in French —
  • concern n. Inquiétude, souci, préoccupation.
  • concern n. Soin, souci.
  • concern n. Importance, intérêt.
  • concern n. (Économie) Groupe, société.
  • concern v. Concerner, être en relation avec.
  • concern v. Concerner, regarder.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • concern v. Interesar, afectar.
  • concern v. Involucrarse.
  • concern v. Preocuparse.
  • concern v. Atañer.
  • concern s. Incumbencia.
  • concern s. Interés.
  • concern s. Preocupación.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • concern s. Preocupação.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • concern s. Affare, faccenda, fatto, interesse (personale).
  • concern s. Preoccupazione, intento.
  • concern s. Sollecitudine.
  • concern s. Problema, pensiero.
  • concern s. Interesse, premura.
  • concern s. Preoccupazione, ansia, ansietà, cruccio.
  • concern s. Azienda, ditta.
  • concern s. (Familiare), (obsoleto) arnese, attrezzo, affare (oggetto generico).
  • concern s. Concernere, riguardare, avere attinenza con.
  • concern s. Concernere, interessare.
  • concern s. Preoccupare, angustiare, turbare.
— In Dutch —
  • concern n. (Bedrijfskunde) een bedrijf dat op zijn beurt bestaat uit…
60 English words from 10 English definitions

affect affects A␣matter anxiety Any belong be␣wrong business code company compassion computer computer␣program Concern connection engage enterprise expression feeling firm happiness have identification information interest make matter may may␣be of␣a of␣interest one organization person placement possible problem program Programming reference relate sense sentiment set solicitude somebody someone something subject that the thing toward Transitive welfare which with worried worry wrong

10 English words from 38 foreign definitions

con concern dat een Groupe Importance maken Problema regarder relation

61 foreign words from 38 foreign definitions

Aangelegenheid afectar affare Angelegenheit angustiare ansia ansietà arnese Atañer attinenza attrezzo avec avere Azienda Bedenken bedrijf Bedrijfskunde bestaat Betreffen Betrieb beurt Beziehung Bezorgdheid Concerner cruccio ditta Économie être faccenda Familiare fatto generico Geschichte Incumbencia Inquiétude intento Interés Interesar interesse intérêt Involucrarse obsoleto oggetto onderneming pensiero personale premura préoccupation Preoccupazione Preocupação Preocupación Preocuparse société Soin Sollecitudine souci uit Wichtigkeit Zich zijn zorgen

24 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

concern'd concerns concerned concernin' concernest concerneth concerning concernable concernancy concernedly concernings concernment concerningly concernments concern-troll concern␣troll concernedness concern-trolls concern␣trolls concerningness concern-trolled concern␣trolled concern-trolling concern␣trolling

19 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

unconcern'd unconcerns nonconcerns unconcerned inconcerning nonconcerned overconcerns unconcerning disconcerning going␣concerns microconcerns overconcerned unconcernedly unconcernment overconcerning underconcerned unconcernedness as␣far␣as␣I'm␣concerned separation␣of␣concerns

10 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

unconcern misconcern nonconcern overconcern going␣concern microconcern underconcern to␣whom␣it␣may␣concern to␣those␣it␣may␣concern to␣whom␣this␣may␣concern

16 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

CER CERN con Con CON -con con- conc. ern Ern -ern onc ONC once oncer Oncer

5 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

CNO NOC NRE rec rec.

3 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

cenocron concern'd concerns

4 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

conner Conner Cornec Cronce

One cousin (New word found by changing only one letter.)


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