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The word corruption is in the Wiktionary

22 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • corruption n. The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted…
  • corruption n. The act of corrupting or making putrid, or state of being corrupt or putrid; decomposition or disorganization…
  • corruption n. The product of corruption; putrid matter.
  • corruption n. The decomposition of biological matter.
  • corruption n. Unethical administrative or executive practices (in government or business), including bribery (offering…
  • corruption n. (Computing) The destruction of data by manipulation of parts of it, either by deliberate or accidental…
  • corruption n. The act of changing, or of being changed, for the worse; departure from what is pure, simple, or correct.
  • corruption n. (Usage prescription) A nonstandard form of a word, expression, or text, assigned a value judgment as…
  • corruption n. Something originally good or pure that has turned evil or impure; a perversion.
— Foreign word, define in English —
  • Old french
    • corruption n. Corruption (state of being corrupted).
— English words, defined in German —
  • corruption S. Nur Singular: unehrenhaftes oder illegales Verhalten, speziell von Leuten mit Macht, speziell mit Vergütung.
  • corruption S. Nur Singular, weithin archaisch, literarisch: auf die Reife einer Frucht folgender oder in einem toten…
  • corruption S. Nur Singular: an diesen biologischen Prozess gemahnender Vorgang oder Sachverhalt.
  • corruption S. Meist Singular: von seiner ursprünglichen Form abweichendes Wort.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • corruption n. Corruptie.
  • corruption n. (Taalkunde) variatie.
— English word, defined in French —
  • corruption n. Corruption.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • corruption s. Corrupción.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • corruption s. (Politica) (diritto) corruzione (in tutti i significati).
— In French —
  • corruption n.f. Action de corrompre, de détériorer, de faire perdre l’essentiel…
  • corruption n.f. (En particulier) (Droit) Action de détourner quelqu’un…
  • corruption n.f. (Vieilli) Altération de la substance d’une chose et putréfaction…
70 English words from 10 English definitions

accidental act administrative assigned being biological bribery business changed changing Computing correct corrupt corrupted corrupting corruption data decomposition deliberate departure destruction disorganization either evil executive expression for form for␣the␣worse from good government has impairing impure including integrity judgment making manipulation matter moral nonstandard of␣a offering originally parts perversion practices prescription principle product pure putrid simple Something state state␣of␣being text that the turned Unethical Usage value value␣judgment virtue what word worse

15 English words from 12 foreign definitions

Action auf chose Corruption die Droit faire Form Macht Nur seiner Singular substance tutti Wort

46 foreign words from 12 foreign definitions

abweichendes Altération archaisch biologischen corrompre Corrupción Corruptie corruzione de␣la détériorer détourner diesen diritto einem einer En␣particulier essentiel folgender Frucht gemahnender illegales Leuten literarisch Meist mit oder particulier perdre Politica Prozess putréfaction Reife Sachverhalt significati speziell Taalkunde toten une ursprünglichen variatie Vergütung Verhalten Vieilli von Vorgang weithin

7 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

corruptions corruptioneer corruptionist corruptioneers corruptionists corruptionless corruption␣of␣blood

One time in the middle (New word found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)


7 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

incorruption recorruption uncorruption noncorruption anticorruption anti-corruption countercorruption

22 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

cor CoR COR cor- cor. Cor. Corr corr. Corr. corrupt ion Ion -ion Orr ORR PTI RUP ruption tio Tio tion -tion

14 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ITP NOI noit OIt OIT pur PUR purr roc RoC ROC R.O.C. R.␣O.␣C. TPU

3 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

corruptions neurotropic procuration

3 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

incorrupt urocortin urotropin

One cousin (New word found by changing only one letter.)


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