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The word cox is in the Wiktionary

31 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • cox n. A coxswain of a boat, especially of a racing crew.
  • cox v. (Transitive, intransitive) To act as coxswain for.
  • Cox prop.n. An English surname from Middle English for either son of, or servant of someone named Cocke or Cook.
  • Cox prop.n. An unincorporated community in Calhoun County, Florida, United States.
  • Cox prop.n. An unincorporated community in Macon County, Missouri, United States.
  • Cox prop.n. A commune in Haute-Garonne department, Occitanie, France; the name comes from Occitan.
  • Cox prop.n. A municipality in the province of Alicante, Valencia, Spain.
  • COX n. Acronym of cyclooxygenase.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Azerbaijani
    • çox det. Many, a lot of.
    • çox det. More [+ablative].
    • çox adv. Very.
    • çox adv. Much.
  • Chol
    • cox n. A crested guan, Penelope purpurascens.
  • Mongolian
    • -сох suff. Rounded back vowel harmonic form of -сах.
    • -сөх suff. Rounded front vowel harmonic form of -сах.
  • Russian
    • сох v. Short masculine singular past indicative imperfective of со́хнуть.
    • сох n. Genitive plural of соха́.
  • Swedish
  • Tetelcingo nahuatl
    • cox adv. Maybe, perhaps.
  • Yakut
    • сөх v. To admire, to be amazed at, to marvel at.
— English words, defined in French —
  • cox n. Barreur ; arbitre d’une équipe de rameurs.
  • Cox n.fam. Nom de famille.
— In German —
  • Cox S. Winterapfel mit rötlich gelber Schale.
— In Dutch —
  • cox n. (Plantkunde) (voeding) een appelras.
— In French —
  • cox n.m. Variété de pommier.
  • cox n.m. Pomme juteuse.
  • Cox n.fam. Nom de famille anglais.
  • Cox n.fam. Nom de famille néerlandais.
  • Cox n.prop.m. (Géographie) Commune française, située dans le département…
  • Cox n.prop.m. (Géographie) Commune d’Espagne, située dans la province…
— In Spanish —
  • Cox s. Apellido.
85 English words from 20 English definitions

ablative Acronym act admire Alicante a␣lot amazed back back␣vowel boat Calhoun Calhoun␣County Cocke comes comes␣from commune community Cook County cox coxswain crested crew cyclooxygenase department either English especially Florida for form France from front front␣vowel Garonne Genitive guan harmonic Haute Haute-Garonne imperfective indicative intransitive lot Macon Macon␣County Many marvel masculine Maybe Middle Middle␣English Missouri More Much municipality name named Occitan Occitanie of␣a past Penelope perhaps plural province racing Rounded servant Short singular someone son Spain States surname the Transitive unincorporated United United␣States Valencia Very vowel

8 English words from 11 foreign definitions

Commune dans département een équipe Nom Pomme province

22 foreign words from 11 foreign definitions

anglais Apellido arbitre Barreur Espagne famille française gelber Géographie juteuse mit néerlandais Nom␣de␣famille Plantkunde pommier rameurs rötlich Schale située une Variété voeding

112 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

coxa Coxe coxy Coxy coxae coxal coxed coxes Coxes Coxey coxib -coxib coxie Coxon cox␣box coxibs coxier coxies coxing coxite Coxley Coxons coxalgy coxcomb Coxeter Coxhead coxiest coxinha coxites coxitic coxitis coxless Coxwell coxalgia coxalgic coxa␣vara cox␣boxes coxcombs coxcomby Coxeters Cox␣Green Coxheads Coxheath coxiness coxinhas Coxlodge Cox's␣Cove coxswain Coxwells coxalgias +62 words

100 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Adcoxes alcoxyl os␣coxae precoxa procoxa subcoxa alcoxyls cacoxene forecoxa Haycoxes Heacoxes mesocoxa metacoxa narcoxyl praecoxa precoxae precoxal procoxae procoxal Silcoxes Simcoxes subcoxae Wilcoxen Wilcoxon apricoxib basicoxal celecoxib deracoxib firocoxib forecoxae leucoxene mavacoxib mesocoxae mesocoxal metacoxae metacoxal nicoxamat ossa␣coxae paracoxal parecoxib praecoxal princoxes rofecoxib Wilcoxens wilcoxite Wilcoxson Willcoxes zinc␣oxide boric␣oxide cacoxenite +50 words

22 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Adcox Hancox Haycox Heacox Hiscox precox Silcox Simcox Wilcox Hathcox Philcox praecox princox Willcox Hedgecox Hitchcox box␣and␣cox Box␣and␣Cox dementia␣precox dementia␣praecox ejaculatio␣praecox ejaculation␣praecox

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)


10 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

coax coix coxa Coxe coxy Coxy DCXO exco oxic TCXO

25 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

co Co CO ℅ c/o co- co. Co. CO₂ -co- Cx CX oc Oc OC Oc. O.C. O.␣C. ox Ox ox- xc XC xo XO

101 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

AOX box Box CAX cnx coa CoA COA cob COB CoC COC cod COD C.O.D. Coe CoE COE COF cog COG COH COI col Col COL col- col. Col. -col- com COM .com com- com. Com. con Con CON -con con- coo COO cop Cop CoP COP coq Coq Coq. cor CoR COR cor- cor. Cor. cos Cos CO$ 'cos co's cos. cot Cov CoV COV cow COW coy Coy coz 'coz CSX CVX dox fox Fox GOx GOX hox HOX lox LOx LOX MOX nox Nox NOx pox rox sox Sox SOX Soʻx tox tox- -tox- vox VOx VOX wox

15 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

co Co CO ℅ c/o co- co. Co. CO₂ -co- Cx CX ox Ox ox-

2 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

coax coix

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