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The word crash is in the Wiktionary

62 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • crash n. A sudden, intense, loud sound, as made for example by cymbals.
  • crash n. An automobile, airplane, or other vehicle accident.
  • crash n. (Computing) A malfunction of computer software or hardware which causes it to shut down or become partially…
  • crash n. (Finance) A sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures).
  • crash n. (Informal) A comedown from a drug.
  • crash n. (Collective) A group of rhinoceroses.
  • crash adj. Quick, fast, intensive, impromptu.
  • crash v. (Transitive) To collide with something destructively, fall or come down violently.
  • crash v. (Transitive) To severely damage or destroy something by causing it to collide with something else.
  • crash v. (Transitive, slang) Short for gatecrash.
  • crash v. (Transitive, management) To accelerate a project or a task or its schedule by devoting more resources to it.
  • crash v. (Intransitive, slang) To make or experience informal temporary living arrangements, especially overnight.
  • crash v. (Transitive, slang) To give, as a favor.
  • crash v. (Intransitive, slang) To lie down for a long rest, sleep or nap, as from tiredness or exhaustion.
  • crash v. (Computing, hardware, software, intransitive) To terminate extraordinarily.
  • crash v. (Computing, hardware, software, transitive) To cause to terminate extraordinarily.
  • crash v. (Intransitive) To experience a period of depression and/or lethargy after a period of euphoria, as after…
  • crash v. (Transitive) To hit or strike with force.
  • crash v. (Medicine, of a patient’s condition) To take a sudden and severe turn for the worse; to rapidly deteriorate.
  • crash v. To make a sudden loud noise.
  • crash n. (Fibre) A type of rough linen.
— English words, defined in French —
  • crash n. Heurt, collision, choc.
  • crash n. Crash.
  • crash n. (En particulier) (Informatique) Crash informatique, plantage.
  • crash v. S’écraser, entrer en collision (avec).
  • crash v. Écraser.
  • crash v. Percuter.
  • crash v. (Informatique) Tomber en panne, crasher, planter.
  • crash v. Heurter, entrer en collision.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • crash s. Estrépito.
  • crash s. Choque.
  • crash s. Fracaso financiero.
  • crash v. Chocar, estrellarse.
  • crash v. Colarse, como en una fiesta.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • crash s. (Economia) crache (queda brusca e violenta de valor nas principais ações da bolsa de valores, levando…
  • crash s. (Informática) crache.
  • crash s. (Automobilismo) colisão, batida.
  • crash s. (Aviação) queda.
  • crash v. (Informática) crachar.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • crash s. Fragore.
  • crash s. Incidente.
  • crash s. Caduta.
— In German —
  • crash V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs crashen.
  • Crash S. Zusammenstoß von Fahrzeugen.
  • Crash S. Wirtschaftlicher, finanzieller Zusammenbruch.
  • Crash S. Informatik: Absturz des Computersystems oder eines Computerprogramms.
— In Dutch —
  • crash n. (Verkeer) een ernstig verkeersongeluk.
  • crash n. (Economie) een ineenstorting van de aandelenmarkt op de beurs.
  • crash n. (Informatica) het onbruikbaar worden van een computer, besturingssysteem…
  • crash n. Een ineenstorting van een systeem.
  • crash w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van crashen.
  • crash w. Gebiedende wijs van crashen.
  • crash w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van crashen.
— In French —
  • crash n.m. Atterrissage très brutal d’un avion le train rentré.
  • crash n.m. (Transport aérien) (Par extension) Accident d’un avion…
  • crash n.m. (Automobile) (Par extension) Écrasement d’une voiture qui…
  • crash n.m. (Anglicisme informatique) Plantage, interruption anormale…
  • crash n.f. (Musique) Type de cymbale d’un diamètre variant de 14 à 24 pouces.
— In Portuguese —
  • crash s. (Estrangeirismo e Economia) ver crache (queda brusca e violenta…
  • crash s. (Estrangeirismo e Informática) ver crache (encerramento súbito…
— In Italian —
  • crash int. Definizione mancante; se vuoi, [crash aggiungila] tu.
  • crash s. (Forestierismo) (informatica) blocco improvviso e non riparabile…
122 English words from 21 English definitions

accelerate accident additional after airplane and and/or arrangements automobile become business cause causes causing Collective collide come come␣down computer Computing condition cymbals damage decline depression destroy destructively deteriorate devoting down drug else especially euphoria example exhaustion experience extraordinarily failures fall fast favor Fibre Finance for force for␣example for␣the␣worse from gatecrash give group hardware hit impromptu informal intense intensive intransitive its large lethargy lie lie␣down linen living long loud made make malfunction management Medicine more nap noise of␣a one other overnight partially patient period prices project Quick rapidly resources rest rhinoceroses rough schedule severe severely Short Short␣for shut shut␣down slang sleep software something something␣else sound stocks strike sudden take task temporary terminate that the tiredness transitive turn type vehicle violently which with worse

35 English words from 41 foreign definitions

Accident Automobile batida bolsa brutal choc Choque collision computer crash crasher des Écrasement een extension fiesta het interruption Musique non panne Par Person plantage planter Singular train Transport Type valor van variant ver Verbs voiture

1 foreign word from 21 English definitions


100 foreign words from 41 foreign definitions

aandelenmarkt Absturz ações aérien Aktiv Anglicisme anormale Atterrissage Automobilismo avec Aviação avion besturingssysteem beurs Bij blocco brusca Caduta Chocar Colarse colisão como Computerprogramms crache crashen cymbale Definizione diamètre Economia Economie écraser Eerste Eerste␣persoon eines encerramento enkelvoud en␣panne En␣particulier entrer ernstig Estrangeirismo estrellarse Estrépito Fahrzeugen financiero finanzieller Forestierismo Fracaso Fragore Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs Heurt Heurter Imperativ improvviso Incidente ineenstorting informatica Informatik informatique inversie levando mancante nas oder onbruikbaar Par␣extension particulier Percuter persoon pouces Präsens principais queda qui rentré riparabile súbito systeem tegenwoordige␣tijd tijd Tomber Tomber␣en␣panne Transport␣aérien très tweede tweede␣persoon una une valores Verkeer verkeersongeluk violenta von vuoi wijs Wirtschaftlicher worden Zusammenbruch Zusammenstoß

110 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

crasht crashy Crashaw crashed crasher crashes crashin' Crashaws crash␣axe crash␣box crashers crash␣hot crashier crashing crashmat crash␣out crashpad crash␣pad crashable crash␣axes crash␣boat crash␣cart crash␣diet crash-dive crash␣dive crash-dove crash␣dove crashdump crash␣dump Crashgate crashiest crashings crashland crash-land crash␣land crashless crashlike crashmate crashmats crashpads crash␣pads crash␣test crash␣zoom crash␣boxes crash␣carts crash␣diets crash-dived crash␣dived crash-dives crash␣dives +60 words

25 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

uncrashed aircrashes car␣crashes autocrashes gatecrashed gate-crashed gate␣crashed gatecrasher gate-crasher gate␣crasher gatecrashes gate-crashes gate␣crashes headcrashes head␣crashes line␣crashes uncrashable gatecrashers gate␣crashers gatecrashing gate-crashing gate␣crashing gatecrashings uncrashworthy stock␣market␣crashes

16 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

aircrash car␣crash midcrash precrash anticrash autocrash gatecrash gate-crash gate␣crash headcrash head␣crash line␣crash postcrash train␣crash cash␣for␣crash stock␣market␣crash

10 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ash Ash CRA CRAs ras Ras RAs RAS rash Rash

9 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

arc Arc ARC arc- Hsa. Sar SAR Sar. sarc-

3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

chars Rasch SAHRC

59 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

achars achers arches Arches arcosh arcsch arsech Ascher brachs Cahors casher chairs charas chards Chards chares Charis charks charms Charos charrs charts charvs chaser chaurs corahs crasht crashy c-sharp C-sharp c␣sharp C␣sharp eschar Hoscar Larchs Marsch ochras orachs Raasch raches rachis Rasche Rausch recash Sacher scarph Schaar Schaer Scharf scharm +9 words

46 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

achs ACHs ACRs Ahrs AHRS arch Arch ARCH -arch arch- arch. arcs ARCs ascr. cahs CAHs cars CARs cash Cash CASH char Char chas Chas Chas. CRAs csar hars HARs HCAs HRAs rach Rach RACs rahs RASC rash Rash RCHs RCSA sacr- Sahr sarc- scar SHRA

10 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

brash Brash clash crase Crase Crask crass -crasy crush trash

6 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

cash Cash CASH CRAs rash Rash

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