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The word credit is in the Wiktionary

59 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • credit v. (Transitive) To believe; to put credence in.
  • credit v. (Transitive, accounting) To add to an account.
  • credit v. (Transitive) To acknowledge the contribution of.
  • credit v. (Transitive) To bring honour or repute upon; to do credit to; to raise the estimation of.
  • credit n. Reliance on the truth of something said or done; faith; trust.
  • credit n. (Uncountable) Recognition, respect and admiration.
  • credit n. (Countable) Acknowledgement of a contribution, especially in the performing arts.
  • credit n. (Television/film, usually in the plural) Written titles and other information about the TV program or…
  • credit n. (Uncountable, law, business, finance) A privilege of delayed payment extended to a buyer or borrower…
  • credit n. The time given for payment for something sold on trust.
  • credit n. (Uncountable, US) A person’s credit rating or creditworthiness, as represented by their history of borrowing…
  • credit n. (Accounting) An addition to certain accounts; the side of an account on which payments received are entered.
  • credit n. (Tax accounting) A reduction in taxes owed, or a refund for excess taxes paid.
  • credit n. A source of value, distinction or honour.
  • credit n. (Science fiction) A unit of currency used in a fictional universe or timeframe.
  • credit n. A nominal unit of value assigned outside of a currency system.
  • credit n. (Uncountable) Recognition for having taken a course (class).
  • credit n. (Countable) A course credit, a credit hour – used as measure if enough courses have been taken for graduation.
  • Credit prop.n. A surname.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Catalan
  • Romanian
  • Welsh
    • credit v. Second-person singular imperfect/conditional of credu.
    • credit n. Alternative form of credyd (“credit”).
— English words, defined in German —
  • credit S. Bankwesen: Kredit.
  • credit S. Vertrauen, Glaube.
  • credit S. Ansehen, guter Name.
  • credit S. Glaubwürdigkeit.
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • credit n. Krediet.
  • credit n. Erkenning.
  • credit w. Erkennen.
— English words, defined in French —
  • credit n. Crédit.
  • credit n. Générique Note : Ce terme est généralement utilisé au pluriel..
  • credit v. Attribuer à (quelqu’un) le mérite de que qui lui revient.
  • credit v. Créditer.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • credit s. Crédito.
  • credit s. Mérito.
  • credit v. Abonar dinero a una cuenta.
  • credit v. Acreditar.
— English word, defined in Portuguese —
  • credit s. Crédito.
— English words, defined in Italian —
  • credit s. Fiducia, credito.
  • credit s. Valore, merito.
  • credit s. Riconoscimento, attestazione di un lavoro svolto (in particolare in campo artistico).
  • credit s. (Diritto) (economia) credito, fido (bancario).
— In Dutch —
  • credit n. (Boekhouding) dat wat men als koopman of bankhouder schuldig is.
  • credit n. (Boekhouding) passiefzijde, rechterzijde van de balans met…
  • credit n. (Boekhouding) tegoed van de rekeninghouder.
  • credit n. Erkenning die men aan iemand geeft voor een behaald resultaat.
— In French —
  • crédit n.m. Réputation d’être solvable et de bien payer, qui fait que…
  • crédit n.m. (Par extension) Autorisation à prendre à une caisse, à…
  • crédit n.m. (Comptabilité) Partie d’un compte où l’on écrit ce qui…
  • crédit n.m. (Par analogie) Aspects positifs mis sur le compte de quelqu’un.
  • crédit n.m. (Finance) (Banque) Activité bancaire de collecte et de…
  • crédit n.m. Société de prêt sur meubles ou immeubles.
  • crédit n.m. (Administration) (France) Somme allouée sur le budget…
  • crédit n.m. (Sens figuré) Autorité ; influence ; considération.
  • crédit n.m. Confiance qu’on inspire.
  • crédit n.m. Attribution d’une idée, d’une œuvre, à son auteur ; reconnaissance…
  • crédit n.m. (Éducation) Ensemble d’unités de compte affectées à un…
  • crédit n.m. (Éducation) (Par extension) Chacune de ces unités.
130 English words from 23 English definitions

about account accounting accounts acknowledge Acknowledgement add addition admiration Alternative and are arts assigned been believe borrower borrowing bring business buyer certain class conditional contribution Countable course course␣credit courses credence credit credit␣hour credit␣rating creditworthiness currency delayed distinction do␣credit done enough entered especially estimation excess extended faith fiction fictional film finance for form given graduation have having history honour hour imperfect information law measure nominal of␣a of␣an of␣value on␣the other outside outside␣of owed paid payment payments performing performing␣arts person plural privilege program put raise rating received Recognition reduction refund Reliance represented repute respect said Science Science␣fiction Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular side singular sold sold␣on something source surname system taken taken␣for Tax Tax␣accounting taxes Television the their time timeframe titles Transitive trust truth TV␣program Uncountable unit universe upon used usually value which Written

37 English words from 36 foreign definitions

Administration als Aspects Attribution auteur Banque budget campo ces dat die een Ensemble est extension fait fido Finance France idée influence inspire men met Name Note œuvre Par payer que reconnaissance Sens solvable Somme son van wat

94 foreign words from 36 foreign definitions

aan Abonar Acreditar Activité affectées allouée analogie Ansehen artistico attestazione Attribuer Autorisation Autorité balans bancaire bancario Bankwesen bien Boekhouding caisse ce␣qui Chacune collecte Comptabilité compte Confiance considération Crédit Créditer credito cuenta de␣bien dinero Diritto economia écrit Éducation Erkennen Erkenning et␣de être fait␣que Fiducia figuré geeft geeft␣voor généralement Générique Glaube Glaubwürdigkeit guter iemand immeubles koopman Krediet Kredit lavoro l’on lui mérite merito meubles mis Par␣extension particolare Partie pluriel positifs prendre prendre␣à prêt qui rechterzijde rekeninghouder Réputation resultaat revient Riconoscimento schuldig Sens␣figuré Société sur sur␣le␣compte␣de svolto tegoed terme una une unités unités␣de␣compte utilisé Valore Vertrauen voor

102 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

credits Credits credited creditee Crediton creditor credit␣bar creditees creditest crediteth crediting creditism creditors creditour creditrix creditable creditably credit␣card credit␣hour creditings creditisms creditless credit␣line credit␣mule credit␣note creditours creditress credit␣risk credit␣cards credit␣event credit␣hours credit␣limit credit␣lines credit␣money credit␣mules credit␣notes credit␣risks credit␣score credits␣warp credit␣union credit␣whore credit␣bureau credit␣cookie credit␣crunch credit␣events credit␣limits credit␣moneys credit␣monies credit␣muling creditorship +52 words

104 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

accredits co-credits recredits uncredits accredited accreditee accreditor discredits end␣credits miscredits recredited tax␣credits tip␣credits uncredited accreditate accreditees accrediteth accrediting accredition accreditive accreditors deaccredits discredited discreditor miscredited noncredited noncreditor reaccredits re-accredits recrediting uncrediting wage␣credits accreditable accreditated accreditates accreditions accreditives accreditment accredit␣with deaccredited discreditest discrediteth discrediting discreditors increditable microcredits miscrediting noncreditors reaccredited re-accredited +54 words

43 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

accredit co-credit do␣credit on␣credit recredit uncredit discredit miscredit noncredit precredit tax␣credit tip␣credit deaccredit gave␣credit give␣credit reaccredit re-accredit wage␣credit extra␣credit given␣credit gives␣credit microcredit paper␣credit swing␣credit bill␣of␣credit carbon␣credit course␣credit giving␣credit line␣of␣credit public␣credit social␣credit to␣one's␣credit bills␣of␣credit lines␣of␣credit thermal␣credit tip␣wage␣credit consumer␣credit letter␣of␣credit marginal␣credit letters␣of␣credit revolving␣credit universal␣credit Universal␣Credit

12 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

CRE cred dit DIT D.I.T. EDI edit edit. red Red RED -red

16 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

der Der Der. Erc ERC ide Ide IDE -ide Ider IDer tid TID tide -tide tider

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

direct triced

21 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

certhid cordite creadit credits Credits criedst critted crudite crudité decruit dictier directs ditcher icterid predict recited Tedrick tierced tricked trideca- verdict

26 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

cider Ciret cited citer cried deric Deric dicer drite edict Edric IRCed recit recti recti- Redic retic riced ticed Ticer tider tired trice Trice tride tried

2 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

coedit co-edit

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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