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The word crossover is in the Wiktionary

45 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • crossover n. A place where one thing crosses over another.
  • crossover n. The means by which the crossing is made.
  • crossover n. (Genetics) The result of the exchange of genetic material during meiosis.
  • crossover n. A blend of multiple styles of music or multiple film genres, intended to appeal to a wider audience.
  • crossover n. An SUV-like automobile built on a passenger car platform, e.g. the Pontiac Torrent.
  • crossover n. (Rail transport) A pair of switches and a short, diagonal length of track which together connect two…
  • crossover n. A piece of fiction that borrows elements from two or more fictional universes.
  • crossover n. (Sports) An athlete or swimmer who has competed in more than one of open water swimming, pool swimming…
  • crossover n. (Basketball) A crossover dribble.
  • crossover n. A move in sports that involves crossing one hand or foot in front of another, as in ice skating.
  • crossover n. (Forestry) The point at which the relative humidity is less than, or equal to, the ambient air temperature.
  • crossover adj. (Computing, of an Ethernet cable) Configured so that the transmit signals at one end are connected to…
  • cross-over n. Alternative spelling of cross over.
  • cross␣over adj. Alternative form of crossover.
  • cross␣over v. (Transitive and intransitive) To pass from one side or area, physical or abstract, to another.
  • cross␣over v. (Intransitive, euphemistic) To die (from the belief that the soul of the dead crosses over a river (as…
— English words, defined in French —
  • crossover n. Enjambement.
  • crossover n. Crossover.
  • crossover n. (Chemin de fer) Ensemble constitué de deux aiguillages et d’une voie courte en diagonale qui, ensemble…
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • crossover s. Trasferimento, incrocio.
— In German —
  • Crossover S. Cross-over.
  • Crossover S. Vermischung unterschiedlicher Stile, wobei die einzelnen…
  • Crossover S. Biologie, speziell Genetik: Austausch von Erbinformationen…
  • Cross-over S. Crossover.
  • Cross-over S. Vermischung unterschiedlicher Stile, wobei die einzelnen…
  • Cross-over S. Biologie, speziell Genetik: Austausch von Erbinformationen…
— In Dutch —
  • cross-over n. Uitwisseling, overspraak o.a..
  • cross-over n. Cross-over auto, met verhoogde carosserie en 4×4 aandrijving.
  • cross-over n. Scheidingsfilter (audio).
— In French —
  • crossover n.m. (Automobile) Type d’automobile sportive résultant du croisement…
  • crossover n.m. (Acoustique) Filtre séparant des bandes de fréquences…
  • crossover n.m. (Cinéma, Télévision) Récit commun à deux personnages fictifs…
  • crossover n.m. (Musique) Métissage entre deux ou différents styles musicaux.
  • crossover n.m. (Musique) (Spécifiquement) Genre musical proche du thrash…
— In Portuguese —
  • crossover s. (Estrangeirismo) (Automóvel) estilo de automóveis.
  • crossover s. (Biologia e estrangeirismo) fenômeno biológico.
  • crossover s. (Eletrônica e estrangeirismo) filtro eletrônico.
  • crossover s. (Informática e estrangeirismo) tipo de cabo que liga dois…
  • crossover s. (Literatura e estrangeirismo) na ficção ou em outros gêneros…
  • crossover s. (Música e estrangeirismo) a junção de dois ou mais estilos musicais.
  • crossôver s. História em quadrinhos que envolve personagens de núcleos separados.
  • crossôver s. Artista de certo gênero de música cuja popularidade atinge…
— In Italian —
  • crossover s. (Forestierismo) (meccanica) (tecnologia) (ingegneria) autoveicolo…
  • crossover s. (Arte) (cinematografia) opera cinematografica o televisiva…
  • crossover s. (Musica) materiale vocale e strumentale preso in prestito…
133 English words from 16 English definitions

abstract air Alternative ambient and another appeal are area as␣in athlete at␣one audience automobile Basketball belief blend borrows built built␣on cable car competed Computing Configured connect connected cross crosses crosses␣over crossing cross␣over crossover␣dribble dead diagonal die dribble during elements end equal Ethernet euphemistic exchange fiction fictional film foot Forestry form from front genetic genetic␣material Genetics genres hand has humidity ice ice␣skating in␣front in␣front␣of intended intransitive involves length less less␣than like made material means meiosis more move move␣in multiple music of␣an one one␣side open open␣water over pair pass passenger passenger␣car physical piece place platform point Pontiac pool Rail Rail␣transport relative relative␣humidity result river short side signals skating so␣that soul spelling sports styles SUV swimmer swimming switches temperature than that the thing together Torrent track Transitive transmit transport two universes water where which who wider

30 English words from 29 foreign definitions

à␣deux audio Austausch auto automobile Chemin␣de␣fer Cross Cross␣over des die Enjambement ensemble entre envolve fer Filtre Genre met musical Musique opera outros over preso que sportive Stile styles thrash Type

94 foreign words from 29 foreign definitions

aandrijving Acoustique aiguillages Arte Artista atinge automóveis Automóvel autoveicolo bandes bandes␣de␣fréquences Biologia biológico Biologie cabo certo Chemin Cinéma cinematografia cinematografica commun constitué courte croisement cuja de␣fer deux diagonale différents dois einzelnen Eletrônica eletrônico entre␣deux Erbinformationen estilo estilos estrangeirismo fenômeno ficção fictifs filtro Forestierismo fréquences gênero gêneros Genetik Genre␣musical História História␣em␣quadrinhos incrocio Informática ingegneria junção liga Literatura mais materiale meccanica Métissage música musicais musicaux núcleos overspraak personagens personnages popularidade prestito proche quadrinhos qui Récit résultant separados séparant Spécifiquement speziell strumentale styles␣musicaux tecnologia Télévision televisiva tipo Trasferimento Uitwisseling une unterschiedlicher verhoogde Vermischung vocale voie von wobei

9 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

crossovers cross-overs crossover␣vote crossover␣cable crossover␣votes crossover␣cables crossover␣voting crossover␣dribble crossover␣dribbles

3 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

double␣crossovers diamond␣crossovers scissors␣crossovers

4 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

noncrossover double␣crossover diamond␣crossover scissors␣crossover

24 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

cro CRO CROs cross Cross -cross cross- oss OSs OSS 'oss over Over over- Ros ROS ross Ross Rosso sov SOV SSO ver ver.

18 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

orc Orc ORC oss OSs OSS 'oss rev Rev rev. Rev. sor Sor SSO Vos VOs VOS Voss

2 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

corvesors overcross

5 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

corrosives crossovers cross-overs cross-voter overscores

One anagram found minus a letter (New word formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)


One cousin (New word found by changing only one letter.)


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