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The word cz is in the Wiktionary

7 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • CZ n. Abbreviation of cubic zirconia. (cubic zirconium oxide)
  • CZ n. Abbreviation of cubic zirconium. (a gem of cubic zirconia)
  • Cz. prop.n. Abbreviation of Czech.
  • C.Z. prop.n. (Law) Initialism of Canal Zone., as used in case citations.
— International convention —
  • CZ sym. (International standards) ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for Czech Republic since 1993.
  • .cz sym. The ccTLD for Czech Republic as assigned by the IANA.
— Foreign word, define in English —
  • Polish
    • -cz suff. Creates masculine nouns from attributes.
38 English words from 7 English definitions

Abbreviation alpha assigned attributes Canal Canal␣Zone case case␣citations ccTLD citations code country country␣code Creates cubic cubic␣zirconia Czech Czech␣Republic for from gem IANA in␣case Initialism International ISO Law masculine nouns oxide Republic since standards the used zirconia zirconium Zone

127 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

CZs CZT czar Czar çzar Czyz Czaja czars Czech Czajas Czajka czapka czaric Czecho- Czechs Czexit Czorny Czumak Czyzes Czajkas czapkas czarate czardas czardom czarian czarina czarish czarism czarist Czarnik Czechia Czechic Czornys czarates czardoms czarevna czarinas czarisms czarists czaritsa czaritza czarlike Czarniks czarship Czechian Czechish Czechism Czechize Czerniak Czogolsz +77 words

275 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

ICZN MCZM Buczek eczema haczek Kaczor Laczny Luczak Maczka McZeal paczki czki Raczes Ryczek Tencza ziczac Zuczek Antczak Barczak Buczeks eczemas eczemic Graczyk haczeks Jadczak Janczak Jurczak Kaczors Karczes Kipczak Konczal Kruczek Łowczów Luczaks Maczkas McZeals Mroczek paczkis czkis Rakoczy Ryczeks Sobczak Sobczyk Szczech Tenczas Tomczak Tomczyk Walczak Walczyk Wilczek +225 words

45 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

D.C.Z. ICZ SCZ ITCZ Racz Karcz Bogacz Kopacz barszcz Ferencz Garbacz Kiewicz Borowicz Gollancz Grzywacz Janowicz Jurewicz Nowy␣Sącz Bydgoszcz Karpowicz Kretowicz Misiewicz Wojtowicz Wolkowicz Butkiewicz Bynarowicz Dutkiewicz Filipowicz Jaskiewicz Josefowicz Jozefowicz Makarewicz Markiewicz Stachowicz Waskiewicz Moszkiewicz Paszkiewicz Prokopowicz Sienkiewicz Stankiewicz Stefanowicz Mazurkiewicz Dziemianowicz artery␣of␣Adamkiewicz arteries␣of␣Adamkiewicz

20 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

Caz CAZ CHZ coz 'coz CTZ cuz 'cuz CVZ CZs CZT D.C.Z. ICZ SCZ zac Zac ZCN ZEC Zec. ZFC

127 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

az AZ az- az. Bz ca CA c@ &ca ca. &ca. C.A. CB C c&b C.B. cc CC -cc C&C CC. cD CD C&D C.D. ce CE -ce C.E. cf CF cf. c.f. CG ch CH ch- ch. ci cI CI C&I -ci- CJ C.J. Ck CK Cl CL cl. Cl* Cl. c.l. cM CM CN c'n C/N co Co CO c/o co- co. Co. CO₂ -co- cp CP cp. Cp. C/P CQ cr Cr CR Cr. cs Cs CS C$ c's C's CS. ct Ct CT ct. Ct. c**t Cu CU CV cv. CW c/w C&W Cx CX (+27 words)

9 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

Caz CAZ CHZ coz 'coz CTZ cuz 'cuz CVZ

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