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There are 137 words beginning with FROGfrog Frog frogamander frogamanders frog␣and␣toad frog␣and␣toads frogbit frog-biting␣midge frog-biting␣midges frogbits frog␣cheese frogdom frogeater frog-eater frogeaters frog-eaters frogeries frogery frogese frogess frogesses frogeyed frog-eyed frog-eye␣salad frogfish frogfishes Froggatt Froggatts Frogge frogged frogger froggered froggeries froggering froggers froggery Frogges froggess froggesses froggier froggies froggiest froggily frogginess frogging froggings froggish froggishly froggishness froggo froggos froggy frog␣hair frog␣hairs froghood froghopper froghoppers frog␣in␣a␣sock frog␣in␣a␣well froginess frog␣in␣one's␣pocket frog␣in␣one's␣throat frogitis frog␣jump frog␣jumped frog␣jumping frog␣jumps frog␣kick frog␣kicks frogkind Frogland froglegs frog␣legs frogless froglessness froglet froglets froglike frog-like frogling froglings frogly frogman frogmarch frog-march frog␣march frogmarched frog-marched frog␣marched frogmarches frog-marches frog␣marches frogmarching frog-marching frog␣marching frogmen Frogmore Frogmore␣stew Frogmore␣stews frogmouth frogmouths frogness frog␣orchid frog␣orchids frogs Frogs frog's-eye␣view frog's-eye␣views frogsicle frogsicles frogs␣in␣a␣sock frogskin frogskins frog's␣march frogsome frogspawn frog␣spawn frogspeak Frogspeak frog-speak Frog-speak frog␣speak Frog␣speak frogstool frogstools frog-strangler frog-stranglers frog's␣view frog's␣views frogtie frogurt frogurts frog␣view frog␣views frog-walk frog␣wedding frog␣weddings
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 34 words
- French Wiktionary: 12 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 57 words
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: no word
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