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There are 24 words beginning with FATALfatal fatal␣attraction fatal␣attractions fatal␣familial␣insomnia fatalism fatalisms fatalist fatalistic fatalistically fatalists fatalities fatality fatality␣rate fatality␣rates fatalize fatalized fatalizes fatalizing fatall fatally fatalness fatals fatal␣system␣error fatal␣system␣errors 31 definitions found- fatal — adj. Proceeding from, or appointed by, fate or destiny. — adj. Foreboding death or great disaster. — adj. Causing death or destruction.
- fatal␣attraction — n. The situation where a person is romantically attracted to another…
- fatal␣attractions — n. Plural of fatal attraction.
- fatal␣familial␣insomnia — n. A very rare autosomal-dominant inherited prion disease of the…
- fatalism — n. (Metaphysics, philosophy) The doctrine that all events are…
- fatalisms — n. Plural of fatalism.
- fatalist — n. One who maintains that all things happen by inevitable necessity;…
- fatalistic — adj. Of or pertaining to fatalism. — adj. Submissive to fate.
- fatalistically — adv. In a fatalistic manner.
- fatalists — n. Plural of fatalist.
- fatalities — n. Plural of fatality.
- fatality — n. The state proceeding from destiny; invincible necessity, superior… — n. Tendency to death, destruction or danger, as if by decree of fate. — n. That which is decreed by fate or which is fatal; a fatal event.
- fatality␣rate — n. The number of people that die per a number of cases.
- fatality␣rates — n. Plural of fatality rate.
- fatalize — v. (Transitive) To make fatal or deadly.
- fatalized — v. Simple past tense and past participle of fatalize.
- fatalizes — v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fatalize.
- fatalizing — v. Present participle of fatalize.
- fatall — adj. Obsolete spelling of fatal.
- fatally — adv. In a fatal manner; lethally. — adv. Ultimately, with finality or irrevocability, moving towards… — adv. Fatedly; according to the dictates of fate or doom.
- fatalness — n. The quality of being fatal; deadliness.
- fatals — n. Plural of fatal.
- fatal␣system␣error — n. (Computing) An error that occurs when an operating system halts…
- fatal␣system␣errors — n. Plural of fatal system error.
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