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There are 386 ten-letter words beginning with POLYpolyabolos polyabuser polyacenes polyacetal polyachene polyacidic polyacrons polyactide polyactine polyadelph polyalkene polyamides polyamines polyamoury polyanders polyandria polyandric polyandrum polyangles polyanions polyanthas polyanthea polyanthus polyaramid polyarchal polyarches polyarchic polyarenes polyargite polyatomic polyaxonal polyaxones polyazides polyazoles polybagged polybasite polybinary polyblasts polyblends polyborate polyborine polybottle polybunous polybutene polycalins polycarbon polycarpic polycation polycausal polycerate polycerids polychaeta polychaete polychelid polychetes polychitin polycholia polychoral polychords polychoric polychoron polychrest polychroic polychrome polychromy polychrone polyclimax polyclinic polyclinid polyclonal polyclones polyconvex polycopids polycotton polycotyly polycounts polycrases polycratic polycrises polycrisis polycrotic polyctenid polycycles polycyclic polycyesis polycystic polycystid polycystin polydactyl polydeists polydental polydesmid Polydeuces polydipsia polydipsic polydomain polydomous polydromic polydrupes polydymite polydypsia polydypsic polyedrons polyedrous polyeidism polyembryo polyenolic polyenones polyenynes polyesters polyethene polyethers polyethism polyethnic polyfamily polyfloral polyflower polyfluoro polyfotoed polyfungal polyfusome polygalins polygamian polygamies polygamise polygamist polygamize polygamous polygar␣dog polygeline polygender polygenies polygenism polygenist polygenome polygenous polyglossy polyglotry polyglotts polyglucan polyglycan polyglycol polygodial polygonate polygonial polygonids polygonies polygonise polygonize polygonous polygonums polygraphs polygraphy polygynian polygynies polygynist polygynous polygyrids polyhaemia polyhaline polyhalite polyhedral polyhedric polyhedrin polyhedron polyherbal polyhexose polyhistor polyhouses polyhybrid polyhydric Polyhymnia polyiamond polyimides polyiodide polykaryon polyketide polyketone polylactic polylectal polylectic polylemmas polylineal polylinear polylinker polylithic polylobate polylogies polylogism polylogist polyloglog polylogues polylysine polymastia polymastic polymathes polymathic polymatins polymatrix polymatype polymedial polymelian polymelous polymerase polymerics polymeride polymerids polymerise polymerism polymerize polymerone polymerous polymeshes Polymestor polymeters polymethyl polymetric polymictic polymixiid polymixins polymorbid polymorpho- polymorphs polymorphy polymythia polymyxin␣E polymyxins polynemids polynemoid Polynesian polynomial polynormal polynymous polyocracy polyodonts polyolefin polyominos polyonymic polyoptrum polyoramas polyorchid polyovular polyoxamic polyoxides polyoxorim polyparies polyparium polyparous polypathia polypathic polypetaly polyphagan polyphages polyphagia polyphagic polyphagid polyphants polyphaser polyphasia polyphasic Polypheman polyphemic polyphemid polyphemus Polyphemus polyphenes polyphenic polyphenol polyphenyl polyphilia polyphobia polyphobic polyphonal Pages: 1 2
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