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There are 55 sixteen-letter words beginning with TAKTakahara's␣disease take␣a␣French␣leave take-home␣vehicles take␣it␣from␣the␣top take␣it␣to␣the␣house taken␣at␣face␣value taken␣French␣leave taken␣into␣account taken␣no␣prisoners taken␣out␣the␣trash taken␣to␣the␣bricks taken␣upon␣oneself taken␣up␣the␣mantle take␣one's␣best␣shot take␣one's␣hat␣off␣to take␣one's␣medicine take␣out␣of␣context takes␣at␣face␣value take␣several␣seats takes␣French␣leave takes␣into␣account takes␣no␣prisoners take␣someone's␣life take␣someone's␣part takes␣one's␣own␣life takes␣out␣the␣trash takes␣to␣the␣bricks takes␣upon␣oneself takes␣up␣the␣mantle take␣the␣back␣track take␣the␣front␣seat take␣the␣offensive take␣the␣weight␣off take␣to␣the␣heather take␣to␣the␣streets take␣up␣the␣cudgels take␣up␣the␣gantlet take␣up␣the␣hatchet taking␣a␣bite␣out␣of taking␣a␣fall␣out␣of taking␣down␣a␣notch taking␣for␣granted taking␣from␣behind taking␣holy␣orders taking␣it␣on␣the␣lam taking␣it␣up␣the␣ass taking␣no␣notice␣of taking␣out␣an␣onion taking␣the␣edge␣off taking␣the␣liberty taking␣the␣meaning taking␣the␣Michael taking␣the␣red␣pill taking␣up␣the␣slack Taklamakan␣Desert
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: no word
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- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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