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The word double is in the Wiktionary

117 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • double adj. Made up of two matching or complementary elements.
  • double adj. Of twice the quantity.
  • double adj. Of a family relationship, related on both the maternal and paternal sides of a family.
  • double adj. Designed for two users.
  • double adj. Folded in two; composed of two layers.
  • double adj. Stooping; bent over.
  • double adj. Having two aspects; ambiguous.
  • double adj. False, deceitful, or hypocritical.
  • double adj. Of flowers, having more than the normal number of petals.
  • double adj. (Music) Of an instrument, sounding an octave lower.
  • double adj. (Music) Of time, twice as fast.
  • double adv. Twice over; twofold; doubly.
  • double adv. Two together; two at a time. (especially in see double)
  • double n. Twice the number, amount, size, etc.
  • double n. A person who resembles and stands in for another person, often for safety purposes.
  • double n. A drink with two portions of alcohol.
  • double n. A ghostly apparition of a living person; a doppelgänger.
  • double n. A sharp turn, especially a return on one’s own tracks.
  • double n. A redundant item for which an identical item already exists.
  • double n. (Baseball) A two-base hit.
  • double n. (Bridge) A call that increases certain scoring points if the last preceding bid becomes the contract.
  • double n. (Billiards) A strike in which the object ball is struck so as to make it rebound against the cushion…
  • double n. A bet on two horses in different races in which any winnings from the first race are placed on the horse…
  • double n. (Darts) The narrow outermost ring on a dartboard.
  • double n. (Darts) A hit on this ring.
  • double n. (Dominoes) A tile that has the same value (i.e., the same number of pips) on both sides.
  • double n. (Computing, programming) A double-precision floating-point number.
  • double n. (Soccer) Two competitions, usually one league and one cup, won by the same team in a single season.
  • double n. (Rowing) A boat for two scullers.
  • double n. (Sports) The feat of scoring twice in one game.
  • double n. (Sports, chiefly swimming and track) The feat of winning two events in a single meet or competition.
  • double n. (Historical) A former French coin worth one-sixth of a sou.
  • double n. (Historical, Guernsey) A copper coin worth one-eighth of a penny.
  • double n. (Music) Playing the same part on two instruments, alternately.
  • double n. (Christianity) A double feast.
  • double n. Synonym of double-quick (“fast marching pace”).
  • double v. (Transitive) To multiply by two.
  • double v. (Intransitive) To increase by 100%, to become twice as large in size.
  • double v. To be the double of; to exceed by twofold; to contain or be worth twice as much as.
  • double v. (Transitive) To fold over so as to make two folds.
  • double v. (Transitive) (sometimes followed by up) To clench (a fist).
  • double v. (Baseball) To get a two-base hit.
  • double v. (Transitive) (often followed by together or up) To join or couple.
  • double v. (Transitive) To repeat exactly; copy.
  • double v. (Transitive with as) To serve a second role or have a second purpose.
  • double v. (Transitive, intransitive, sometimes with "for") To act as substitute for (another theatrical performer…
  • double v. (Theater) To play (both one part and another, in the same play, etc).
  • double v. (Intransitive) To turn sharply, following a winding course.
  • double v. (Nautical) To sail around (a headland or other point).
  • double v. (Music) To duplicate (a part) either in unison or at the octave above or below it.
  • double v. (Music, intransitive, usually followed by "on") To be capable of performing (upon an additional instrument).
  • double v. (Bridge) To make a call that will double certain scoring points if the preceding bid becomes the contract.
  • double v. (Card games, intransitive) To double down.
  • double v. (Billiards, snooker, pool) To cause (a ball) to rebound from a cushion before entering the pocket.
  • double v. (Intransitive) To go or march at twice the normal speed.
  • double v. (Transitive) To multiply the strength or effect of by two.
  • double v. (Military) To unite, as ranks or files, so as to form one from each two.
  • double v. (Radio, informal, of a station) To transmit simultaneously on the same channel as another station, either…
  • double v. (Espionage, intransitive) To operate as a double agent.
  • Double prop.n. A surname.
  • Double n. (US, motor racing) Collectively, both the Indianapolis 500, a day race, and the Coca-Cola 600, an evening…
  • doublé n. (Fencing) A compound attack that deceives the opponent’s attempted circular parry.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Chinese
    • double n. (Hong Kong Cantonese) double; twice the number, amount, size, etc. (Classifier: 個/个 c)
    • double v. (Hong Kong Cantonese) to double; to increase by 100%.
— English word, defined in Dutch —
  • double bijv. Dubbel.
— English words, defined in French —
  • double adj. Double.
  • double n. Double.
  • double n. (Cinéma) Doublure (body double, stunt double).
  • double n. Sosie (body double).
  • double v. Doubler.
— English word, defined in Spanish —
  • double adj. Doble.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • double adj. Duplo.
  • double s. Dobro.
  • double v. Duplicar.
  • double v. Dobrar.
— In German —
  • double V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs doubeln.
  • double V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs doubeln.
  • double V. 1. Person Singular Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs doubeln.
  • double V. 3. Person Singular Konjunktiv I Präsens Aktiv des Verbs doubeln.
  • Double S. Akteur, der einen anderen bei bestimmten Szenen oder Events vertritt.
  • Doublé S. Wertvollere Metallauflage(n) auf einem billigeren Grundmetall.
— In Dutch —
  • doublé bijv. Met een dun laagje goud overdekt.
— In French —
  • double adj. Qui vaut, qui pèse ou qui contient deux fois autant.
  • double adj. (Par extension) Qui est composé de deux choses pareilles…
  • double adj. (Droit) Qualifie les actes ou les contrats dont on fait…
  • double adj. (Jeux) (Dominos) Qualifie le domino sur lequel apparaît…
  • double adj. (Botanique) Qualifie une fleur qui a acquis par la culture…
  • double adj. (Liturgie) Qualifie, dans les rubriques ecclésiastiques…
  • double adj. (Sens figuré) (Vieilli) Qualifie les choses plus fortes…
  • double adj. (Sens figuré) Qui a de la duplicité.
  • double n.m. Quantité deux fois plus grande.
  • double n.m. Chose semblable, symétriquement pareille.
  • double n.m. Copie d’un original.
  • double n.m. (En particulier) L’un des originaux, ou seulement la copie…
  • double n.m. (En particulier) (Comptabilité) Celui des originaux de…
  • double n.m. Exemplaire ou échantillon supplémentaire d’une collection.
  • double n.m. (Sens figuré) Sosie ou personne ayant des traits de caractère…
  • double n.m. (Musique) Pièce musicale modifiée mais gardant la même mélodie.
  • double n.m. (Antiquité, Religion) Corps impalpable qui, selon la croyance…
  • double n.m. (Tennis) Partie à deux contre deux.
  • double n.m. (Baseball) Coup sûr qui permet au frappeur d’atteindre…
  • double n.m. (Désuet) (Métrologie) Volume d’un boisseau de double-décalitre…
  • double n.m. (Désuet) (Numismatique) double denier, monnaie (pièce de…
  • double v. Première personne du singulier du présent de l’indicatif de doubler.
  • double v. Troisième personne du singulier du présent de l’indicatif de doubler.
  • double v. Première personne du singulier du présent du subjonctif de doubler.
  • double v. Troisième personne du singulier du présent du subjonctif de doubler.
  • double v. Deuxième personne du singulier de l’impératif de doubler.
  • doublé adj. (Reliure) Relié avec.
  • doublé adj. Qui est aussi ou en même temps.
  • doublé n.m. (Bijouterie) Soudure sur un métal commun d’une mince couche…
  • doublé n.m. (Chasse) (Familier) Double tir avec un fusil de chasse à deux coups.
  • doublé n.m. (Sport) Remporter deux compétitions distinctes la même saison.
  • doublé n.m. (Football) Remporter le championnat de son pays ainsi que…
  • doublé n.m. (Football, Hockey sur glace, Sport, Volley-ball) Deux buts…
  • doublé v. Participe passé masculin singulier du verbe doubler.
  • double- préf. Préfixe qui indique que le mot qui suit est deux fois.
323 English words from 64 English definitions

above act additional against agent alcohol already alternately ambiguous amount and another any apparition are around A␣sharp as␣much as␣much␣as aspects as␣to at␣a␣time attack attempted at␣twice ball base Baseball base␣hit become becomes before below bent bent␣over bet bid Billiards boat both Bridge call Cantonese capable Card Card␣games cause certain channel chiefly Christianity circular circular␣parry Classifier clench Coca Coca␣Cola coin Cola Collectively competition competitions complementary composed compound compound␣attack Computing contain contract copper copy couple course cup cushion dartboard Darts day deceitful deceives Designed different Dominoes doppelgänger double double␣agent double␣down double␣feast double␣precision double-quick doubly down drink duplicate each effect eighth either elements entering especially Espionage etc evening events exactly exceed exists False family fast feast feat Fencing files first fist floating floating␣point floating-point␣number flowers fold Folded folds followed followed␣by following for form former French from from␣the␣first game games get ghostly Guernsey has have having headland Historical hit hit␣on Hong Hong␣Kong horse horses hypocritical identical increase increases Indianapolis in␣for informal in␣one instrument instruments intransitive in␣two in␣unison item join Kong large last layers league living lower Made Made␣up make make␣it march marching matching maternal meet Military more motor motor␣racing much much␣as multiply Music narrow Nautical normal number object object␣ball octave of␣a Of␣an often one one␣eighth one␣sixth on␣the operate opponent other outermost over own pace parry part paternal penny performer performing person petals pips placed play Playing pocket point points pool portions preceding precision programming purpose purposes quantity quick race races racing Radio ranks rebound redundant related relationship repeat resembles return ring role Rowing safety sail same scoring scoring␣points scullers season second see see␣double serve sharp sharply sides simultaneously single sixth size snooker so␣as so␣as␣to Soccer sometimes sou sounding speed Sports stands stands␣in stands␣in␣for station Stooping strength strike strike␣in struck substitute surname swimming Synonym team than that the Theater theatrical the␣same this tile time together To␣go track tracks Transitive transmit turn twice two twofold unison unite upon users usually value which who will winding winning winnings with won worth

79 English words from 53 foreign definitions

acquis à␣deux auf ball Baseball Bijouterie body body␣double buts chasse Chose choses collection Corps Coup coups culture dans denier der des Doble Dobro domino Dominos dont double doubler Doublure Droit Dubbel dun een est Events extension fait fleur Football fortes fusil gardant goud grande Hockey impalpable les masculin Met mince mot musicale Musique original par passé pays Person plus Première que Religion saison semblable Sens Singular son Sport stunt stunt␣double suit temps Tennis traits vaut Verbs Volley Volley-ball Volume

127 foreign words from 53 foreign definitions

actes ainsi ainsi␣que Akteur Aktiv anderen Antiquité apparaît atteindre aussi autant avec ayant bei bestimmten billigeren boisseau Botanique caractère Celui championnat Cinéma commun compétitions composé Comptabilité contient contrats contre copie couche Coup␣sûr croyance dans␣les décalitre de␣la Désuet deux Deuxième Deuxième␣personne distinctes Dobrar doubeln Duplicar duplicité Duplo ecclésiastiques échantillon einem einen en␣même␣temps En␣particulier Exemplaire Familier figuré fois frappeur fusil␣de␣chasse glace Hockey␣sur␣glace impératif Imperativ indicatif Indikativ indique Jeux Konjunktiv Konjunktiv␣I laagje la␣même lequel Liturgie L’un mais mélodie même métal Métrologie modifiée monnaie Numismatique oder originaux overdekt pareille pareilles Par␣extension Participe Participe␣passé particulier Partie permet personne pèse pièce Präsens Préfixe Première␣personne présent présent␣du␣subjonctif Qualifie Quantité qui Relié Reliure Remporter rubriques selon Sens␣figuré seulement singulier Sosie Soudure subjonctif supplémentaire sûr symétriquement Szenen tir traits␣de␣caractère Troisième Troisième␣personne une verbe vertritt Vieilli Wertvollere

830 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

doubled double␣E doubler doubles Doubles doublés double␣S doublet double-u double␣U double␣Es doublers doublest doubleth doublets double␣up double␣Us double␣act double␣bed double␣cab Doubleday double␣day double␣dig double-dip double␣dip doubled␣up double-end doublegee double-hat double␣hoe double␣IPA double-jab double␣off doublesex double-six doubles␣up doubletap double-tap double␣tap doubleted doubleton double␣top double-ues doubleyou double␣acts double␣aunt double␣back double-bank double␣base double-bass double␣bass +779 words

61 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

B-doubles bidoublet HE-double-L redoubled redoubles undoubled undoubles bidoublets isodoublet redoublest redoubleth the␣double␣O back-doubles body␣doubles isodoublets line␣doubler nanodoubler scan␣doubler semidoubles test␣doubles daily␣doubles interdoublet line␣doublers microdoublet mixed␣doubles nanodoublers scan␣doublers stunt␣doubles double-doubles double␣doubles Gothic␣doubles microdoublets triple␣doubles optical␣doubles takeout␣doubles American␣doubles Canadian␣doubles play␣a␣double␣game turnpike␣doubles work␣double␣tides back␣double␣biceps cocked␣hat␣doubles quintuple␣doubles rear␣double␣biceps Australian␣doubles delusion␣of␣doubles front␣double␣biceps immunodoublestain Schläfli␣double␣six two-line␣double␣pica +11 words

27 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

B-double bidouble redouble undouble nondouble see␣double subdouble two-double back-double body␣double semidouble test␣double at␣the␣double daily␣double on␣the␣double stunt␣double double-double double␣double Gothic␣double triple␣double optical␣double shotgun␣double takeout␣double cocked␣hat␣double quadruple␣double quintuple␣double double-double-double

3 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

BLE doub Doub

3 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

bouled dobule Lobedu

30 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

B-double becloud bled␣out bloqued blouded bloudie bloused blue␣cod Blue␣Dog bodeful bolused Boulden boulder Boulder boulted dobules doubled double␣E doubler doubles Doubles doublés double␣S doublet double-u double␣U lovebud outbled unlobed would-be

14 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

bloud blued bodle Bodle boldu bould boule Doble duelo Duloe lobed Lobue loude lubed

3 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

doable doubly rouble

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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