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The word dread is in the Wiktionary

27 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • dread v. (Transitive) To fear greatly.
  • dread v. To anticipate with fear.
  • dread v. (Intransitive) To be in dread, or great fear.
  • dread v. (Transitive) To style (the hair) into dreadlocks.
  • dread n. Great fear in view of impending evil; fearful apprehension of danger; anticipatory terror.
  • dread n. Reverential or respectful fear; awe.
  • dread n. Somebody or something dreaded.
  • dread n. (Obsolete) A person highly revered.
  • dread n. (Obsolete) Fury; dreadfulness.
  • dread n. A Rastafarian.
  • dread n. (Slang, chiefly in the plural) Clipping of dreadlock.
  • dread n. (Military, nautical, historical, slang) Clipping of dreadnought.
  • dread adj. Terrible; greatly feared; dreaded.
  • dread adj. (Archaic) Awe-inspiring; held in fearful awe.
— English words, defined in German —
  • dread S. Starkes Gefühl der (existentiellen) Furcht oder Sorge, etwa bei einer Bedrohung.
  • dread S. Jemand oder etwas Gefürchtetes.
  • dread S. Anhänger der in der schwarzen Bevölkerung Jamaikas in den 1930er Jahren entstandenen, heute weltweit…
  • dread V. Sich stark fürchten.
  • dread V. Etwas mit Furcht oder Sorge vorausahnen.
— English words, defined in French —
  • dread adj. Terrible.
  • dread n. Crainte, frayeur, terreur.
  • dread n. (Coiffure) Mèche de cheveux emmêlées naturellement, dreadlock.
  • dread v. Craindre, redouter.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • dread s. Terror.
  • dread v. Temer.
— English word, defined in Italian —
  • dread s. Timore.
— In French —
  • dread n.f. (Coiffure) Mèche de cheveux emmêlées naturellement, dreadlock.
52 English words from 14 English definitions

anticipate anticipatory apprehension Archaic awe Awe-inspiring chiefly Clipping danger dread dreaded dreadfulness dreadlock dreadlocks dreadnought evil fear feared fearful Fury great greatly hair held highly historical impending inspiring into Intransitive in␣view in␣view␣of Military nautical Obsolete or␣something person plural Rastafarian respectful revered Reverential slang Somebody something style Terrible terror the Transitive view with

9 English words from 13 foreign definitions

Coiffure den der dreadlock Sich stark Starkes Terrible Terror

33 foreign words from 13 foreign definitions

Anhänger Bedrohung bei Bevölkerung cheveux Craindre Crainte einer emmêlées entstandenen etwa etwas existentiellen frayeur Furcht fürchten Gefühl Gefürchtetes heute Jahren Jamaikas Jemand Mèche mit naturellement oder redouter schwarzen Sorge Temer terreur Timore weltweit

46 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

dreads dreaded dreaden dreader dreadly dreadens dreaders dreadest dreadeth dreadful dreading dreadable dreadened dreadfull dreadfuls dreadhawk dreadless dreadlock dreadmill dreadness dreadsome dreadtalk dreadening dreadfully dreadhawks dreadingly dreadlocks dreadmills dreadedness dreadfulest dreadlessly dreadlocked dreadnaught dreadnought dreadworthy dreadfullest dreadfulness dreadlocking dreadnaughts dreadnoughts dreadlessness dreaded␣diamond dreadfulnesses dreaded␣diamonds dread␣fascination dread␣fascinations

60 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

adreads adreaded adreading cold␣reads mindreads misdreads undreaded card␣reader feedreader mindreader mind-reader mind␣reader misdreaded speedreads speed-reads speed␣reads undreadful undreading blind␣reader card␣readers cold␣reading feedreaders mindreaders mind-readers mind␣readers mindreading mind-reading mind␣reading misdreading rent-a-dreads speedreader blind␣readers cold␣readings rip-and-reader speedreaders speedreading speed-reading speed␣reading third␣reading penny␣dreadful rip-and-readers rough-and-ready rough␣and␣ready Rough␣and␣Ready second␣reading penny␣dreadfuls predreadnought pre-dreadnought predreadnoughts pre-dreadnoughts +10 words

13 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

adread indread undread cold␣read fordread mindread mind-read misdread speedread speed-read speed␣read rent-a-dread have␣one's␣head␣read

9 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Dre DRE EAD 'ead rea Rea REA read Read

6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Aer aer- aër- DAE erd ERD

5 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

adder dared radde readd re-add

71 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

adders Adders aderid ADHDer adored adread adreed adured Aldred ardeid Arided badder barded Bedard bredda Cadder carded dander Darden darked darned darted darved deader deared decard Deedra dendra deodar dermad dradge draped drawed dreads dream'd dryade Edgard Edward farded gadder garded graded hadder Idared kadder ladder larded madder marded MedDRA +21 words

21 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

adde ared dade Dade Dard dare Dare DARE D&Der dead dear Dear 'eard Edda rade Rade read Read Reda redd Redd

9 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

aread bread dream dreap drear dreed dryad oread tread

3 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

dead read Read

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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