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The word edo is in the Wiktionary

39 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • Edo prop.n. (Historical) The former name of Tokyo, the capital city of Japan.
  • Edo prop.n. A state of Nigeria in the South South geopolitical zone. Capital and largest city: Benin City.
  • Edo prop.n. (Collectively) The people of Edo State.
  • Edo prop.n. (Uncountable) The Volta-Niger language spoken primarily by these people.
  • EDO adj. (Computing) Abbreviation of extended data-out.
  • EDO n. (Computing) Abbreviation of EDO memory.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Amis
  • Basque
    • edo conj. Or (inclusive).
  • Esperanto
    • -edo suff. (Zoology) member of taxonomic family named after an animal.
  • Finnish
    • edo v. Present active indicative connegative of etoa.
    • edo v. Second-person singular present imperative of etoa.
    • edo v. Second-person singular present active imperative connegative of etoa.
  • Japanese
    • edo rom. Rōmaji transcription of えど.
    • Edo rom. Rōmaji transcription of えど.
    • ēdo rom. Rōmaji transcription of エード.
  • Laz
    • edo conj. Latin spelling of ედო.
  • Maquiritari
    • edö pron. (Ye’kwana) The inanimate proximal demonstrative pronoun; this, these.
    • e'dö pron. (De’kwana) The inanimate proximal demonstrative pronoun; this, these.
  • Yoruba
    • Ẹdo prop.n. The Edo people.
    • Ẹdo prop.n. The Bini language.
    • Ẹdo prop.n. Edo (a city in Nigeria).
    • Ẹdo prop.n. Edo State (a state of Nigeria).
    • Ẹdo prop.n. Benin Kingdom (a historical kingdom in Nigeria).
    • ẹdọ n. Liver, lung.
    • ẹdọ n. (Ekiti) chest.
    • ẹdọ n. Adenia cissampeloides, a species of passionflower.
— English word, defined in Latin —
  • Edo n.prop. † Tocio (-onis, fem.) || → Tokyo.
— English word, defined in French —
  • Edo n.prop. (Géographie) Yédo, ancien nom de Tokyo.
— In Dutch —
  • Edo n. (Taal) Atlantische Congotaal die wordt gesproken door 1,6…
  • Edo eig. (Mannelijke naam) jongensnaam.
— In Latin —
  • edo v. √ Mandere et sorbere (cibum).
  • edo n.subs. Qui voraciter seu nimis edit.
  • edo v. Extra dare, emittere.
— In French —
  • Edo n.prop. (Géographie) Yédo, ancien nom de Tokyo.
— In Spanish —
  • edo s. Grupo etno-lingüístico o una nación étnica del oeste de África…
  • edo s. Lengua benué-congo hablada en el Estado Edo, Nigeria. Cuenta…
  • -edo suf. Forma sustantivos masculinos, casi siempre a partir de…
— In Portuguese —
  • -edo suf. Forma substantivos que expressam grupo, coletividade, ou…
— In Italian —
  • Edo n.prop. Nome proprio di persona maschile.
75 English words from 26 English definitions

Abbreviation active Adenia after and animal Benin Benin␣City Bini capital capital␣city chest city Collectively Computing connegative data demonstrative demonstrative␣pronoun Edo EDO␣memory Ekiti extended family former geopolitical geopolitical␣zone historical imperative inanimate inclusive indicative Japan kingdom language largest Latin Liver lung member memory Mouse name named Niger Nigeria out passionflower people person present primarily pronoun proximal Rōmaji Second Second␣person Second-person␣singular singular South South␣South species spelling spoken state taxonomic the these this Tokyo transcription Uncountable Volta zone Zoology

20 English words from 13 foreign definitions

congo dare del die door edit Edo Estado Extra fem Lengua naam Nigeria nom Nome onis persona que Taal Tokyo

32 foreign words from 13 foreign definitions

África ancien a␣partir␣de Atlantische casi coletividade Cuenta di␣persona étnica expressam Forma Géographie grupo hablada jongensnaam lingüístico maschile masculinos nación Nome␣proprio oeste partir proprio Qui seu siempre substantivos sustantivos Tocio una wordt Yédo

42 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Edom Edoid Edoni E.D.␣Okla. Edomae Edones edopid EDORAM EDO-RAM EDO␣RAM EDODRAM EDO-DRAM EDO␣DRAM Edogawa Edomite Edonian edopids EDORAMs EDO-RAMs EDO␣RAMs EDODRAMs EDO-DRAMs EDO␣DRAMs Edomites Edomitic Edonians Edonides edoxaban e-document EDO␣memory Edomitish e-donation edonentan edoxudine edobacomab e-documents e-donations edotecarin edoylerite EDO␣memories edotreotide e-documentation

3127 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

aedoe- bedog Bedoy Fedor hedon Hedon Ledos Medoc Médoc Medog Pedoe pedon pedos PEDOT redon redos ReDoS redox Sedor Acedos Amedot apedom bedoes bedogs bedole bedone Bedoon Bedore bed␣out Bedoya Bedoys beedom Bredon credos Fed␣off fedora Fredos Hedone hedons Jaedon led␣off Ledoux Leedom Medocs Médocs medoid Medora paedos Pedone pedons +3077 words

100 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Aedo bedo dedo Ledo Medo- pedo pedo- redo Yedo Acedo Aledo credo Fredo paedo paedo- pædo- Swedo- uredo albedo ambedo boledo Canedo Ceredo comedo foredo Laredo livedo Loredo Macedo- made␣do make-do make␣do Navedo Olmedo Oviedo Peredo Pinedo psuedo psuedo- rubedo Semedo speedo Speedo teredo toledo Toledo tuxedo Acebedo Acevedo alfredo Alfredo +49 words

4 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

ode Ode ODE -ode

10 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

deo doe Doe DOE EOD ode Ode ODE -ode OED

119 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

adoe Aedo bedo bode Bode code Code coed COED co-ed Debo deco Deco dedo defo Delo demo demo- Deno Deol Deon deop deos depo dero deso devo Deyo dobe doed doek Doel doer does Does doey DofE doge Doge doke Doke dole Dole DOLE dome Dome done Done dope Dore +69 words

37 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

de dE De DE de- do DO 'do d/o do. D&O D.O. ed Ed ED -ed ed- ed. Ed. -èd E.D. Eo EO eo- E&O E␣O od Od OD O&D O/D O.D. oe OE œ Œ OE.

63 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

ado ADO BDO CDO DDO eco ECO eco- Eda EDA Edb. EDC Edd EDD edd. Ed.D. Ede EDG edh EDI EDK EDL Edm EDM edn. EDP EDR eds Eds EDs EDS eds. EDT edu EDV EFO ego ego- EKO elo Elo emo Emo eno- Epo EPO ESO EtO ETO exo- Ezo Ido I␣do LDO Odo ODO odo- PDO RDO SDO udo vdo VDO

21 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

do DO 'do d/o do. D&O D.O. ed Ed ED -ed ed- ed. Ed. -èd E.D. Eo EO eo- E&O E␣O

7 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

eddo E.D.␣Mo. EDRO endo Endo endo- Eudo

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