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The word eng is in the Wiktionary

41 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • eng adj. (Regional, obsolete) Narrow.
  • eng n. Roman alphabet ŋ: The Latin-based letter formed by combining the letters n and g, used in the IPA, Saami…
  • ENG prop.n. (Sports) Abbreviation of England.
  • ENG n. Initialism of electronic newsgathering.
  • Eng. prop.n. Abbreviation of English.
  • Eng. prop.n. Abbreviation of England.
— International convention —
  • eng sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for English.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Albanian
    • eng adj. Deaf and dumb.
  • Central franconian
    • Eng n. (Ripuarian) Alternative form of Enk.
  • Danish - Norwegian bokmål - Norwegian nynorsk
    • eng n. A meadow.
  • Garo
    • -eng- aff. -ing, indicates the progressive aspect.
  • Hungarian
    • -eng suff. (Frequentative suffix) Added to a verb to form a verb denoting repetitive action.
  • Kosraean
  • Luxembourgish
    • eng art. Feminine singular indefinite article: a, an.
    • eng art. Plural indefinite article: some; only used in wéi eng (“what kind of”), sou eng (“such, this kind of”)…
  • Mandarin
    • eng rom. Nonstandard spelling of ēng.
    • eng rom. Nonstandard spelling of éng.
    • eng rom. Nonstandard spelling of ěng.
    • eng rom. Nonstandard spelling of èng.
    • éng rom. Hanyu Pinyin reading of 嗯.
    • èng rom. Hanyu Pinyin reading of 嗯.
    • ěng rom. Hanyu Pinyin reading of 嗯.
    • ēng rom. Hanyu Pinyin reading of 鞥.
  • Middle english
    • -eng suff. Alternative form of -ing.
  • Norwegian
    • Eng prop.n. A surname.
  • Old frisian
    • eng det. Alternative form of ēnich.
  • Old norse
  • Semai
    • èng pron. I, me (1st person singular pronoun).
  • Swedish
    • eng. n. (Lexicography) English language; Abbreviation of engelska.
  • Uzbek
    • eng adv. The most ..., the ...-est (marks the superlative degree of adjectives).
  • Welsh
    • eng n. The name of the Latin-script letter Ng/ng.
    • èng n. Misspelling of eng.
— In German —
  • eng Adj. Schmal, nahe anliegend; von relativ geringer Ausdehnung.
  • eng Adj. Sehr dicht beieinander.
  • eng Adj. Ein intimes Verhältnis besitzend.
  • eng Adj. Figurativ: keinen Spielraum habend, in Schwierigkeiten steckend.
  • eng V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs engen.
— In Dutch —
  • eng bijv. Angst veroorzakend.
  • eng bijv. Met weinig tussenruimte.
  • eng n. Het symbool en de letter ŋ en de bijbehorende klank.
— In French —
  • eng n.m. Nom de la lettre additionnelle de l’alphabet latin Ŋ (minuscule : ŋ).
89 English words from 32 English definitions

Abbreviation action Added adjectives alphabet Alternative amp and article aspect based code combining Deaf Deaf␣and␣dumb degree denoting dumb electronic eng England English est Feminine for form formed Frequentative Hanyu Hanyu␣Pinyin indefinite indefinite␣article indicates ing Initialism International IPA ISO kind kind␣of language language␣code Latin Latin␣script letter letters Lexicography marks meadow Misspelling most name Narrow newsgathering Nonstandard obsolete only person Pinyin Plural progressive progressive␣aspect pronoun reading Regional repetitive Ripuarian Roman Roman␣alphabet Saami script singular some sou spelling Sports standards such suffix superlative superlative␣degree surname the this used verb what what␣kind␣of Wind

12 English words from 9 foreign definitions

alphabet Angst des Het letter lettre Met minuscule Nom Person Singular Verbs

2 foreign words from 32 English definitions

Enk nich

33 foreign words from 9 foreign definitions

additionnelle Aktiv alphabet␣latin anliegend Ausdehnung beieinander besitzend de␣la dicht Ein engen Figurativ geringer habend Imperativ intimes keinen klank latin nahe Präsens relativ Schmal Schwierigkeiten Sehr Spielraum steckend symbool tussenruimte Verhältnis veroorzakend von weinig

577 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

Enge Eng'g Engh Engl Engl. ENGO Engr engr. Eng'r engs Engel Engen Enges Enghs engin engin. engle engma ENGOs Engsh engag'd engage engagé engaol engawa Engels Engens Engert engift engild engine engins engird engirt Englee Engler engles englue englut englyn Engman engmas engobe engore engram Engram engulf engyve Engadin engaged +527 words

2129 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

benga Benge Bengi denga fengs Fengs Fengu Gengs henge -henge Hengs Jenga Jengs lenga mengs Mengs NEngE penge Penge pengo pengő PEngs P.Engs P.Engs. renga Rengo Senga sengi Sengs tenge Tengs tengu venge Vengo wenge Wengi Zengi Zengs abengs arengs avenge Bengal Bengbu Bengel Benges chengs Chengs dengas Denges dengue +2079 words

210 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

BEng B.Eng. B.␣Eng. Deng feng Feng Geng heng Heng Jeng leng meng Meng MEng M.Eng. M.␣Eng. peng Peng PEng P.Eng P.Eng. Seng Teng Zeng abeng areng cheng Cheng Dieng dreng kreng kweng sheng Sheng Sieng skeng sneng Tseng zheng Zheng Ah␣Beng Ah␣Seng ajaeng An-peng Arleng Dadeng Echeng Fufeng Gukeng Hefeng +160 words

9 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

gen Gen GEN -gen /gen gen. Gen. neg neg.

94 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

agen Agen Agne Ange BEng B.Eng. B.␣Eng. Deng Egan Egun Enge Eng'g Engh Engl Engl. ENGO Engr engr. Eng'r engs feng Feng gean Gean gein gena Gena Gend. gene Gene Geng Genk gen'l geno Geno geno- gens Gens GENs gent Gent genu Gen-X gen␣X Gen␣X -geny Gen␣Y Genz Gen-Z gen␣Z Gen␣Z +43 words

27 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

eg EG E&G e.g. e.␣g. en En EN -en en- ge gE Ge GE gn GN ne NE né nê ne. Ne. -ne- ng Ng NG NG+

59 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

Ang ANG CNG ECG EDG EEG egg Egg EGG EKG ElG ELG EMG enc end End -end end- ENE -ene ENF ENL eno- ENR ens ENS Ens. ent ENT -ent ent- eny Enz EOG EPG erg ERG -erg- ESG E.S.G. EWG FNG HNG ing -ing -ïng LNG MNG ong Ong ONG png PNG rng RNG TnG TNG Ung UNG

14 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

eg EG E&G e.g. e.␣g. en En EN -en en- ng Ng NG NG+

One epenthesis (New word found when adding only one letter.)


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