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The word esca is in the Wiktionary

25 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • esca n. (Ichthyology) The fleshy growth from an anglerfish’s head that acts as a lure for its prey.
  • esca n. (Phytopathology) A fungal disease afflicting grapes.
  • esca n. (Historical) A traditional Galician unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 6–9 L depending on the…
  • esca n. (Historical) A kind of measuring cup once used for measuring escas of grain.
  • ESCA n. Initialism of electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Asturian - Catalan - Galician
    • esca n. Tinder (dry plants used to light a fire).
  • Catalan
    • esca n. Amadou (substance derived from the hoof fungus).
    • esca n. (Figurative) spur, impetus, stimulus.
    • esca n. Bait (substance used in catching fish).
    • -esca suff. Feminine singular of -esc.
  • Galician
    • esca n. Bait.
    • escá n. (Historical) esca, a traditional unit of dry measure equivalent to about 6–9 L depending on the substance measured.
    • escá n. (Historical) esca, a box formerly used for measuring grain.
    • escá n. (Archaic) Synonym of cunca, a bowl.
  • Old irish
    • ésca n. Alternative form of éscae.
— In French —
  • esca n.m. (Viticulture) Maladie cryptogamique de la vigne qui provoque…
— In Italian —
  • esca s. Cibo che si offre in pasto ad un animale per attirarlo, spesso…
  • esca s. (In particolare) cibo (o piccolo oggetto la cui forma o colore…
  • esca s. (Per estensione), (senso figurato) offerte allettanti o lusinghe…
  • esca s. Insieme di sostanze infiammabili (spesso di origine vegetale…
  • esca s. (Botanica), (micologia) nome comune di diverse specie di…
  • esca v. Prima persona singolare del congiuntivo presente di uscire.
  • esca v. Seconda persona singolare del congiuntivo presente di uscire.
  • esca v. Terza persona singolare del congiuntivo presente di uscire.
  • esca v. Terza persona singolare dell’imperativo di uscire.
73 English words from 15 English definitions

about acts afflicting Alternative Amadou analysis anglerfish Archaic Bait bowl box catching chemical cunca cup depending depending␣on derived disease dry dry␣measure electron equivalent esca Feminine Figurative fire fish fleshy for form formerly from fungal fungus Galician grain grapes growth head Historical hoof hoof␣fungus Ichthyology impetus Initialism its kind kind␣of light lure measure measured measuring measuring␣cup once on␣the Phytopathology plants prey singular spectroscopy spur stimulus substance Synonym that the Tinder traditional unit used used␣to

14 English words from 10 foreign definitions

Botanica che comune del dell diverse nome offre per persona piccolo Prima specie Viticulture

1 foreign word from 15 English definitions


39 foreign words from 10 foreign definitions

allettanti animale cibo colore congiuntivo cryptogamique cui de␣la estensione figurato forma imperativo infiammabili Insieme lusinghe Maladie micologia nome␣comune offerte oggetto origine particolare pasto Per␣estensione presente Prima␣persona provoque qui Seconda Seconda␣persona senso senso␣figurato singolare sostanze spesso Terza Terza␣persona vegetale vigne

177 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

escae Escano escape escap't escarp Escaut Escaich Escalon escalop Escanos escaped escapee escapée escaper escapes escarps Escatel Escajeda escalade escalado escalate Escalera escaline escallop Escalona Escalons escalope escalops Escambia escambio Escanaba Escandon escapade escapado escapees escapées escapers escapest escapeth escaping escapism escapist Escareno escargot escarole escarped escarpid Escatels escabeche Escajedas +127 words

436 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

Bescar descan mescal Mescal PESCAD rescan rescat bescare descale descant Frescas Lescano Maescar mescals Mescals Nescafe Nesca Pescara prescan rescale rescans Viescas bescares bone␣scan descaled descaler descales Descalzi descanso Descanso descants descarga fire␣scar frescade icescape inescate Lescanos Les␣Cayes linescan line␣scan livescan love␣scam Marescas mescalin Pescaria prescale prescans reescape rescaled rescaler +386 words

14 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

Cesca Huesca Tresca Viesca Maresca baldresca Bribiesca francesca Francesca ventresca Ventresca agua␣fresca puttanesca zingaresca

3 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)


6 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

acs ACs ACS a/cs A/Cs CSE

14 anagrams (New words found by changing the order of the letters.)

aces Aces ACEs aesc æsc ASCE case Case CASE Ceas CEAs ECAs SCEA SECA

123 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

acers Aceso Aceys aches acies acise acles acmes acnes acres akçes alecs aspec a-spec baces Cabes cades Caels caers cafes CAFEs cafés cages cakes cames canes Canes capes Capes cares Cares carse Carse cased Casen caser cases Casey casse caste cates Cates cause 'cause caves cayes Cayes cease Cease Cejas +73 words

60 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

ace Ace ACE acs ACs ACS a/cs A/Cs AEC aes AES a**es asc ASC ase ASE -ase CAE cas Cas CAs CAS cas' Cas. Cea CEA ces CEs CES CSA CSE EAC eas EAs EAS ECA ECS esa Esa ESA E(S/A) Esc ESC sac Sac SAC SAE SCA SCE sce. sea Sea SEA sec SEC sec- sec. Sec. S.E.C. S.␣E.␣C.

17 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)


8 lipograms (New words found when removing only one letter.)

ECA esa Esa ESA E(S/A) Esc ESC SCA

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