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There are 118 words ending with LLICagryophillic amarillic amphiphillic amphithallic antemetallic antiamarillic antiphallic apallic aphallic aquollic argillic aspergillic bellic bimetallic biometallic bioorganometallic borollic boswellic brachypellic brucellic ceramometallic cerebellic cervicocollic chlorophyllic citronellic Cyrillic DILLIC dimetallic diphallic diphyllic dolichopellic dolichophallic durixerollic ectophallic endophallic eosinophillic faux␣Cyrillic fellic flexometallic gallic Gallic gibberellic grallic halfmetallic half-metallic helvellic heterobimetallic heterometallic heterothallic homometallic homothallic homovanillic hypothallic idyllic imbellic interbellic intermetallic intervallic ithyphallic lactobacillic lumachellic Machiavellic macrophallic magnecrystallic mantellic medallic megalophallic mesophyllic metallic metallophillic metalophillic misogallic mollic monometallic multimetallic nanometallic nonidyllic nonmetallic non-metallic nonorganometallic nonphallic optocollic organometallic orthochromatophillic pastellic periphallic phallic platypellic polymetallic premetallic pseudohomothallic pseudometallic pseudophallic pyrogallic quadrimetallic radiometallic retrocollic Sabellic semimetallic sibyllic sigillic spinocollic submetallic symmetallic thallic thermophillic thiophillic torticollic trimetallic umbellic unidyllic unmetallic unphallic vanillic vestibulocollic xanthophyllic xerollic zoophyllic
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 30 words
- French Wiktionary: 1 word
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 1 word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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