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There are 12 words ending with NGEFULbingeful vengeful —— avengeful changeful cringeful spongeful —— revengeful syringeful unvengeful —— unchangeful —— challengeful unrevengeful 13 definitions found- bingeful — adj. Exhibiting or characteristic of bingeing.
- vengeful — adj. Vindictive or wanting vengeance.
- avengeful — adj. (Obsolete) vengeful.
- changeful — adj. (Rare) Changing frequently; very susceptible to change.
- cringeful — adj. Tending to make one cringe; embarrassing or frightening. — adj. Tending to cringe.
- spongeful — n. The amount (of liquid) contained in a sponge.
- revengeful — adj. Vengeful, vindictive.
- syringeful — n. The amount that a syringe will hold.
- unvengeful — adj. Not vengeful.
- unchangeful — adj. Not changeful.
- challengeful — adj. Full of challenge.
- unrevengeful — adj. Not revengeful.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 5 words
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