List of 14-letter words ending with Rapid Mode Edit List Click to choose the fifth to last letter
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There are 130 fourteen-letter words ending with TRICaccelerometric actinoelectric aerotonometric alcoholometric alphageometric Americocentric anisodiametric anthropometric antiasymmetric arthropometric articulometric autoalgometric autoparametric ballistometric baropodometric behaviormetric biophotometric biopsychiatric bronchocentric Christocentric chromatometric chromoelectric clustercentric clustrocentric complexometric conductimetric conductometric corticocentric cytherocentric deflectometric dialectometric diesel-electric discrete␣metric duodenogastric dynamoelectric ecopsychiatric ektacytometric enthalpimetric equivolumetric esthesiometric ethnogeriatric eukaryocentric flowcytometric galactocentric Germanocentric gerontocentric Hellenocentric hemocytometric Hibernocentric historiometric hypergeometric hypersymmetric hypoallometric immunodimetric intensiometric isogravimetric isophotometric isosarcometric macrogeometric macrosympatric masculocentric microgeometric monoparametric morphoelectric multibiometric nanodielectric nanodosimetric nanovolumetric Neptunicentric neurogeriatric neuropediatric noneconometric nonhygrometric nonmonocentric nonpsychiatric nonradiometric nonratiometric omphalocentric opisthogastric orthogeriatric orthosymmetric panphotometric paraoptometric personocentric petrolelectric petrol-electric pharmacometric photoeccentric planetocentric pneumatometric poseidocentric potentiometric pressuremetric pyrheliometric quasiisometric quasisymmetric radiosymmetric reflectometric refractometric resino-electric saccharimetric saccharometric Saturnicentric scatterometric scriptocentric semiconcentric semiparametric sonorheometric stalagmometric stellarcentric stereoelectric stœchiometric stoichiometric stomatogastric subcentimetric submetacentric submicrometric submillimetric subtelocentric sunphotometric supergeometric supersymmetric suprageriatric susceptometric teachercentric telepaediatric thanatocentric thermoelectric tubomanometric vasculocentric
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 16 words
- French Wiktionary: no word
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: no word
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