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The word finish is in the Wiktionary

44 short excerpts of Wiktionnary (A collaborative project to produce a free-content dictionary.)

— English words —
  • finish n. An end; the end of anything.
  • finish n. A protective coating given to wood or metal and other surfaces.
  • finish n. The result of any process changing the physical or chemical properties of cloth.
  • finish n. A finishing touch; careful elaboration; polish.
  • finish n. (Sports) A shot on goal, especially one that ends in a goal.
  • finish v. (Transitive) To complete (something).
  • finish v. (Transitive) To apply a treatment to (a surface or similar).
  • finish v. (Transitive) To change an animal’s food supply in the months before it is due for slaughter, with the…
  • finish v. (Intransitive) To come to an end.
  • finish v. (Transitive) To put an end to; to destroy.
  • finish v. (Intransitive, sex) To reach orgasm.
— Foreign words, define in English —
  • Danish
    • finish n. (The appearance after) fine-tuning, finishing touch.
    • finish n. Finish (a spectacular end in a race or a competition).
— English words, defined in Dutch —
  • finish w. Afronden.
  • finish w. Afspelen.
  • finish w. Voltooien.
— English words, defined in French —
  • finish n. Fin, arrivée.
  • finish n. Fini, finition.
  • finish v. (Transitif) Finir, achever.
  • finish v. (Intransitif) (Stop because it’s finished) Terminer.
  • finish v. (Intransitif) Finir.
  • finish v. (Intransitif) S’achever.
— English words, defined in Spanish —
  • finish s. Fin.
  • finish s. Meta.
  • finish s. Acabado.
  • finish v. Acabar, terminar.
— English words, defined in Portuguese —
  • finish s. Fim, final, conclusão.
  • finish s. Acabamento, retoque.
  • finish v. Terminar, acabar, concluir, completar.
  • finish v. Retocar, aperfeiçoar.
  • finish v. Morrer, expirar, acabar.
— In German —
  • finish V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs finishen.
  • Finish S. Letzter Abschnitt eines Wettkampfes/Wettlaufs.
  • Finish S. Abschließende Verbesserung im Produktionsprozess; letzter Schliff.
  • Finish S. Qualitative Gestaltung und Ausstattung einer Sache.
— In Dutch —
  • finish n. (Sport) het passeren van de eindstreep van een racewedstrijd.
  • finish n. (Sport) de eindstreep: een lijn die deelnemers van racewedstrijden…
  • finish n. Het eindpunt van een handeling.
  • finish n. (Techniek) afwerking (vaak een laklaag).
  • finish w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van finishen.
  • finish w. Gebiedende wijs van finishen.
  • finish w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van finishen.
— In French —
  • finish n.m. (Sport) Moment ultime d’une compétition sportive, où se…
  • finish n.m. (Sport) Aptitude à terminer en force une compétition sportive.
74 English words from 13 English definitions

after and animal any anything appearance apply before careful change changing chemical cloth coating come come␣to come␣to␣an␣end competition complete destroy due elaboration end end␣in end␣of ends ends␣in especially fine fine␣tuning Finish finishing finishing␣touch food for given given␣to goal Intransitive metal months one orgasm other physical polish process properties protective put put␣an␣end␣to race reach result sex shot shot␣on␣goal similar slaughter something spectacular Sports supply surface surfaces that the To␣come touch Transitive treatment tuning with wood

23 English words from 31 foreign definitions

Aptitude because des die een Fin final finished force het Meta Moment Person Qualitative Singular Sport sportive Stop terminer ultime und van Verbs

67 foreign words from 31 foreign definitions

Abschließende Abschnitt Acabado Acabamento acabar achever Afronden Afspelen afwerking Aktiv aperfeiçoar arrivée Ausstattung Bij compétition compétition␣sportive completar concluir conclusão deelnemers Eerste Eerste␣persoon eindpunt eindstreep einer eines en␣force enkelvoud expirar Fim Fini Finir finishen finition Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs Gestaltung handeling Imperativ Intransitif inversie laklaag letzter lijn Morrer passeren persoon Präsens Produktionsprozess Retocar retoque Sache Schliff Techniek tegenwoordige␣tijd terminar tijd Transitif tweede tweede␣persoon une vaak Verbesserung Voltooien Wettkampfes Wettlaufs wijs

51 suffixes (New words found by adding one or more letters at the end of the word.)

finish'd finisht finished finisher finishes finishin' finish␣up finishers finishest finisheth finishing finish␣off finish␣out finishable finishings finish␣line finishment finish␣nail finish␣with finished␣off finished␣out finishes␣off finishes␣out finishipper finish␣lines finishments finish␣nails finished␣good finishedness finished␣with finishes␣with finish␣fetish finishing␣off finishing␣out finishippers finished␣goods finishing␣line finishing␣move finishing␣with finish␣fetishes finishing␣lines finishing␣moves finishing␣touch finished␣article finished␣product finishing-school finishing␣school finished␣products finishing-schools finishing␣schools finishing␣touches

32 times in the middle (New words found by adding letters in front and at the end of the word.)

unfinisht refinished refinisher refinishes unfinished nonfinished outfinished outfinishes prefinished refinishers refinishing half-finished nonfinishing outfinishing overfinished semifinished semi-finished unfinishable unfinishedly microfinishes photofinisher photo␣finishes underfinished photofinishers photofinishing photo␣finishing superfinishing unfinishedness blanket␣finishes surface␣finishes nice␣guys␣finish␣last unfinished␣business

15 prefixes (New words found by adding one or more letters in front of the word.)

refinish unfinish boffinish outfinish dead␣finish griffinish microfinish photo␣finish fit␣and␣finish job␣and␣finish blanket␣finish surface␣finish fight␣to␣the␣finish grandstand␣finish fights␣to␣the␣finish

16 words-in-word (Words found as is inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

fin Fin FIN fin. Fin. f***in' finis ish Ish ISH -ish nis NIS Niš nish Nish

5 words-in-word RTL (Words found written from right to left, inside the word. Minimum size 3 letters.)

Hsi sin Sin SIN Sini

One anagram (New word found by changing the order of the letters.)


13 anagrams found with an extra letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word and an extra letter.)

fineish finfish finish'd finisht Finnish fishing Fishkin inkfish pinfish Shifrin shiftin' tinfish tin␣fish

5 anagrams found minus a letter (New words formed with all the letters from the word minus a letter.)

finis hi-fis nifHs nishi Nishi

5 cousins (New words found by changing only one letter.)

fivish linish minish Minish winish

One lipogram (New word found when removing only one letter.)


3 epenthesis (New words found when adding only one letter.)

fineish finfish Finnish

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